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Converted Duc
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Converted Duc

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Fuel range - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:00 pm

Hi boys,

Here is an update on my issues. the bike alternates between normal performance, where she runs exactly as expected to missing badly where one cylinder stops firing.

Some popping on gear changes (could be no db killer in but i am pretty sure not there before,
idle alternating between normal to rough one cylinder operation,
at idle normally one cylinder stops firing but comes back once moving,
when coming back to a stop revs remain at around 2000 rpm, eventually dropping back to about 1000rpm but same symptom of one cylinder not firing returning.

Now as I stated above this only occurred after I foolishly ran out of fuel, the engine does not sound bad perhaps a little tappety on the left side but I can't discern a real difference from post incident to now.

I recently had the bike serviced at a local Guzzi service shop and I plan to take it back this week. I am now going to close the garage door and look for the spark plugs shorting out as Pete suggested. If I see anything I'll update, god I hope I have not stuffed something when I ran out of fuel.

The perplexing thing is that she appears to alternate between running perfectly to shite.
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Converted Duc
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Converted Duc

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:22 pm


So I have checked the HT leads in the dark and could see no obvious short to the heads, I removed both leads carefully and both plugs. Visual inspection appear ok, plugs not oiled up and leads no obvious breaks. In saying this I could have missed something.

I think the plan is to go to the shop and get someone who knows what they are doing to look her over, I wish I was closer to Bungendore as I have not had the best of luck with the local shop. The bike has only covered 7500 km so the plan at the moment is to arrange to go see Pete for the 10000 km check up and see if he can't get her a little better sorted.

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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:27 pm

Where are you in Shitney?

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:48 pm

Converted Duc wrote:
Pete yes I do have the db killer and I think it runs smoother with it in!

My bikes always seem to run smoother and more efficiently when I'm wearing ear plugs.
I can't ride even short distances now without them, because if I do, my bikes will feel like they're running rough as hell, even though they are not.
My BMW in particular, feels linear and smooth with earplugs in, but with them out, feels flat and horrible
It's a common observation among riders.
Who knows why.
I do think though that we need to be careful not to misinterprete our brains response to sound.
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Converted Duc
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:25 pm

I am on the north side Pete
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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:42 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:55 pm

Pete Roper wrote:

Roper I wouldn't have expected anything less from you.
You are a very clever operator, I'll give you that,
If my bike blew up, and you lived next door to me I wouldn't go anywhere near you with a shitty stick, you bullshitting clown.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:47 pm

Can I have a kiss?
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Fuel range - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:49 am

bikesnbones wrote:
Pete Roper wrote:

Roper I wouldn't have expected anything less from you.
You are a very clever operator, I'll give you that,
If my bike blew up, and you lived next door to me I wouldn't go anywhere near you with a shitty stick, you bullshitting clown.

Over here!!
If I wanna hear from an asshole I'll just fart mmmmmkay.

In the meantime, have some of these... works wonder on the wife and maybe your bike will run smoother when you're wearing them.

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Steve, can we get rid of this fag already? The entertainment factor has worn off...
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:11 am

Pascal, I think wosisface thought my comment was referring to him and his *Advice*. It wasn't, I was just wondering where the troublesome bike was because if it was somewhere in Sydney's South or West I could easily nip down and pick it up. Northside would involve two hours of gridlock each way and I simply don't have the time.

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:30 am

Pete Roper wrote:
Pascal, I think wosisface thought my comment was referring to him and his *Advice*.

It wasn't advice, pillock.
It was my own personal observation, relating to my own experience.
A lot of bikes, especially air cooled, sound like a blender full of bolts without earplugs.
With them in, the whole plot feels smoother and more linear.
I think most people who use them would identify with that.
Extra noise can be a very deceptive thing.
A little while back, a UK magazine did a consumer test on exhausts.
They line up 2 identical sports bikes, one completely standard, and one with a loud open pipe and nothing else..
All 5 readers rode them on track and thought the latter was significantly more powerful and faster.
They were all wrong.
Put simply.
The extra noise created the illusion (for want of a better word in this context) of power and speed,
Nothing more.
Your hearing can play tricks on you..
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:34 pm

I think if you bother to actually read the thread the problem has nothing to do with noise perception so frankly your *Observations* are simply a red herring, more unhelpful 'White Noise' but thank you for your contribution.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:35 pm

Pete, don't feed the troll.

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:01 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
I think if you bother to actually read the thread the problem has nothing to do with noise perception Pete

The comment I was responding too had everything to do with noise perception

Converted Duc wrote:
Pete yes I do have the db killer and I think it runs smoother with it in.

What were you saying about bothering to read.



OH BTW I see you got rumbled on Wild Guzzi recently

Very Happy

Out of interest, I see you are quite prolific on every major Guzzi forum, but conspicuous by your absense on anything in the UK.

Why's that .

Not a big enough pond to go fishing in ?

beetle wrote:
Pete, don't feed the troll.

And sure as night follows day, up pops Ropers loyal lap dog

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:40 pm

Whining and trolling is one good reason not to bother with the pommy boards. Elaborate registration procedures are another. They don't seem to work with weeding out trolls though. Very Happy

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:54 pm

Dear sweet bikesnbones.
Tee hee. You poke a turd, you get a shitty stench. Since you've provided no useful content to this forum and nobody here would care if you disappear up your own arsehole, I can only surmise you are sexually inadequate with real humans, and can only get your jollies while furiously masturbating while reading the responses to your witty retorts.

I suppose I'm helping you by exciting you even more, but I'm giving like that.

I love you

I await your witty retort.

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In GRiSO we trust!
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:47 pm

beetle wrote:
Dear sweet bikesnbones.
Tee hee. You poke a turd, you get a shitty stench. Since you've provided no useful content to this forum and nobody here would care if you disappear up your own arsehole, I can only surmise you are sexually inadequate with real humans, and can only get your jollies while furiously masturbating while reading the responses to your witty retorts.

I suppose I'm helping you by exciting you even more, but I'm giving like that.

I love you

I await your witty retort.

So what happened to your advice to your bum chum, about "not feeding the troll".
People like you, are nothing if not very predictable.
You are a very good salesman though, I will give you that.
The way you manipulate people into believing you're doing them a favour.
That takes skill, and I tip my hat.
The Beetle / Roper double act should be used as a template at sales conventions.
As for not providing any useful contributions.
All I see you two assholes do is drone on and on about how inadequate our bikes are, so you have us thinking that we're riding a heap of crap unless we buy your improved version.
I have no problem with people making a few quid on the side, but what I hate is low lifes like you lying through your teeth to do it.
You are second only to dodgy window salesmen,
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:54 pm

I think I love you.

BTW, do you actually own a bike?

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In GRiSO we trust!
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:59 pm

beetle wrote:
I think I love you.

BTW, do you actually own a bike?


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Go on, tell me I bought a heap of shite.

Unlike you of course

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:11 pm

I still want a kiss!
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:19 pm

Cor! I wish I could be the guy on the ER.

Nice GRiSO. I still don't believe it's yours. Suspect

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In GRiSO we trust!
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Fuel range - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:23 pm

Hey Beetle, I saw that sheep first!

A history lesson in cost effective tuning;
2001 I bought a Cali Stone and stock EFI was perfect. Added pipes then a PC-3 & dyno tuning cost me another grand. Sweet.
2007 G11 created, wanted one, test rode it and not impressed. Tuning was off!
2009 test rode a G12 and same fuelling problems, missing, farting, vibrating and jerky.
Didn't know if it was a factory issue or local stealership who couldn't tune a G-string. However every Bellagio I rode over that same period was smooth as silk.

2011 I bought a Bellagio, added pipes etc. and a PC-V, but it was always gonna run shite down low because of that O2 sensor. Only option given to me was to send my ECU to GuzziTech in the USA and have it reflashed, to turn off the O2 sensor at a cost of about $350. PC-V and dyno was another $880.

If I had known then what I know now, I could have bought a GRiSO and $40 of 'puta cables, and made a small donation. I have ridden a GRiSO thus tuned, no PC-V, no Auto tune and no O2 trickster, just a stock ECU that has been remapped. Let me just say that GRiSO is as sweet as a nut, and a bloody hellava lot faster than my Bellagio, thanks Gil.

The world is your oyster, you are all free to spend $1000 on electronic add on gadgets, just as I am free to buy $40 of wire cable and a bottle or two of Bourbon. If I had my time again, I know which way I would go.

I paid $350 for a box to be ticked that I could have done myself for $40. So where is the real rip-off?
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Fuel range - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:35 pm

beetle wrote:
Cor! I wish I could be the guy on the ER.

Nice GRiSO. I still don't believe it's yours. Suspect

It matters to me not one jot what you believe, but hey, ask me to post a photo with a loaf of bread and my cat on it, and I will happily oblige.
So then.
My GRiSO starts and runs well is completely standard.
Throttle response is good, power delivery seamless, and economy good.
I've done a couple of, from brimmed, checks and have averaged 45mpg, and that's riding at a respectable pace through lanes, with some town riding thrown in.
I have not done a long trip yet (only had her a couple of weeks),
So then, I'm happy, but then I come on here and read you and Roper whine on and on about how crap my bike is, and why I need one of your maps.
It's utter bollocks.
Why would I want to fix something that ain't broke.
I think we need to obsess less about trivial matters such as these, and just ride the fucking things.
Provided you service it properly, and use quality oil and parts, you ain't never going to break one of these bikes, so why do have to instill this fear into people, when it's totally un founded.
You know what.
I used to be a musician by profession, and encountered a lot of the same sort of people as you.
Boffins, is what I would call them.
These were people who knew every single aspect of the physical composition of a brass instrument, right down to the percentage of copper required in the bell to get a German sound as opposed to an American sound.
Incredible knowledge, but meaningless if you can't even blow your nose, which most of the time you would find these characters couldn't.
It's the same in our world.
Blokes go on forums and into pubs and endlessly whittle on about power bands, maps, suspension settings, but then you find they can't ride worth a piss, and would be better off spending the money they've thrown into state of the art exhaust and suspension systems, on lessons at a very basic level instead.
Just ride the things and stop bloody worrying about all this crap.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:46 pm

Can I have that kiss now? You're making me feel all rejected!
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Charlie J
Charlie J

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PostSubject: Re: Fuel range   Fuel range - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:07 pm

I once got 72 kms on the fuel light. Good thing really as the next fuel was 72 kms away in Mudgee. At that time the bike had PCV in it. The Beetle map makes the bike go better and use less fuel and cost less than a tenth of the wizz bang stuff. I am bloody pleased with the Beetle map. I had to modify my post as there had been responses posted while I typed this one.
Bikesnbones,  your opinions seem to be at odds with what is actually being discussed on these forums and rightly so, they are your opininions.I dunno how you Poms conduct yourselves when dealing with other folk that share a common passion /interest but here in Oz, if you carried on like that youd get a flogging. Enjoy your 1100,participate in the discussions but pull ya head in.I do not recall any "sales" pitch or anything along the lines of your bike will fuck itself if you don't put "this" in it on this forum, other forums yes but not this one. Put a shitload of kays on your bike ,try all the different options and see what YOU reckon makes it go better. in the meantime please refrain from being an obnoxious ill mannered cunt.
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