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 Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:17 am

Well, it turns out it's also a destination.  Razz   A morning jaunt to Wickenburg for lunch and ice cream.  It was a great day. We set out in convoy, two BMW R1200RTs, a Ducati 899 Panigale, a Ducati Multistrada, my GRiSO, and my wife in the MINI Cooper GP acting as sweeper.   Wickenburg is a short ride at about 90mi each way from my garage door, but it was certainly nice to be able to get out on the open road.  No twisties to speak of, just flat asphalt and a motley crew (people who ride Panigales aren't the most mature types in the world.  Razz  )  

The only incident involved a speeding chebbie (Chevy sedan) that passed one of our group on a single-lane curving about 90mph.  Just about put our little Panigale off the road.  Evil or Very Mad  Unfortunately, by the time we were aware of what was happening, it as too late to get a plate number.

The GRiSO was fantastic!  He responded well throughout the rev range and acquitted himself with poise, dignity, and just a touch of hooliganism.  Kudos to beetle for his awesome stock map! Thumbs Up

I did, however, learn that ~200mi is probably my daily limit on that saddle.  Hmm.  Or maybe I just need to break-in my rump some more.
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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:26 am

No way José!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:40 am

That one is new on me!! Thumbs Up Razz
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Enzo the baker
Enzo the baker

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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:56 pm

Jose' next time you ride to Wickenburg keep North to Yarnell hill and Congress. Then on to Jerome, it's a long ride but worth it. Yarnell Hill was at one time race track quality... Ride safe.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:38 pm

Enzo, we know those roads well from our runs with the MINI club.  Those roads are truly fantastic!  

At this point, the heart is willing but the rump is sore!  Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:49 pm

I guess I'm lucky with my seat. I run out of gas before I run out of comfort. Doesn't stop me from wanting a Vastly Superior seat.

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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:43 pm

Russell Day Long will cure those Sore Bum Blues. Smile

Darnell Hill typically has a squad in one or two places to curb your inner hooliganism. About two years ago an off duty cop killed himself on that hill. It seems that every year some squid buys it there and they are not very keen on cleaning up the mess (I wouldn't either) so the next best is to watch and ticket.

There is another spot past Yarnell in the flats by the horse ranches but I'm not all that familiar with it. I tend to turn and head to Bagdad instead. That road has its' own challenges for the new or infrequent rider with blind decreasing radius corners (also, open range so the occasional cow pie raises the pucker factor) and road kill. Early spring there are great flowering spots though!
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PostSubject: Re: Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line   Germans & Italians...and a Brit to keep 'em in line Icon_minitime1Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:43 pm

Russell Day Long will cure those Sore Bum Blues. Smile

Darnell Hill typically has a squad in one or two places to curb your inner hooliganism. About two years ago an off duty cop killed himself on that hill. It seems that every year some squid buys it there and they are not very keen on cleaning up the mess (I wouldn't either) so the next best is to watch and ticket.

There is another spot past Yarnell in the flats by the horse ranches but I'm not all that familiar with it. I tend to turn and head to Bagdad instead. That road has its' own challenges for the new or infrequent rider with blind decreasing radius corners (also, open range so the occasional cow pie raises the pucker factor) and road kill. Early spring there are great flowering spots though!
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