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 Suspension... again

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Posts : 159
Join date : 2014-04-17

Suspension... again Empty
PostSubject: Suspension... again   Suspension... again Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:59 pm

So I think I'm ready to bite the bullet. Question is, how hard?

I'm looking to see if there is anyone here with the details on the real life differences between the Matris K and Matris R shocks. I'm a 220lb rider plus gear and occasionally my 120 lb wife hops on for some two up riding. Looks like about a $700 difference.

Also, what about the front end? I'm currently getting some pretty good diving under braking, so I'm wondering if I need to respring or change the oil. The previous owner was about 165lbs, so there's a pretty big difference.

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Join date : 2014-06-21

Suspension... again Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suspension... again   Suspension... again Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:44 am

I went with Phang's settings I found here: WildGuzzi suspension thread. He's also here on the Ghetto so maybe he'll give any updates /further info.

I also raised my forks (through the triple-trees) 2 lines to lower the front / quicken up the steering,

I was happy with the changes.
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