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 I so wanted to ride into the hills...

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2 posters
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

Posts : 10228
Join date : 2013-09-30

I so wanted to ride into the hills... Empty
PostSubject: I so wanted to ride into the hills...   I so wanted to ride into the hills... Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:46 pm

With the latest iteration (22) of the map in my ECU,  I decided to go for a blast into the foothills of the Snowy Mountains. Alas, it didn't happen. Curse the fates!

As I burbled up the freeway dark clouds started to appear to the South. I thought they looked far enough way to not bother me, and as I didn't have my wet weather gear I wasn't worried. However once on the Snowy Mountains highway, the dark clouds were getting closer. As I got close to Adelong, I ran smack dab into a hail storm. For those who haven't experienced it, riding at high speed through a hail storm is like getting jabbed by hundreds of needles simultaneously. Ouch!

It didn't last long and I dried out pretty quick. But that's not what stopped me. About half way between Adelong and Tumut, there was roadworks that had traffic stopped. As I waited with a few cars and trucks, I watched as those dark clouds loomed over Tumut and the mountains with a very spectacular lightning show.

OK, that'll do pig, I turned around and high-tailed it home! No matter,  I had a blast anyway!

At the top of the hill overlooking Adelong Valley:

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On the way home, looking back at what sent me scurrying...

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Posts : 366
Join date : 2013-07-02
Age : 64

I so wanted to ride into the hills... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I so wanted to ride into the hills...   I so wanted to ride into the hills... Icon_minitime1Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:24 am

A ride on the GRiSO is a ride on the GRiSO no matter what happens.
Yes done the hail thing not good.

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I so wanted to ride into the hills...
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