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 Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...

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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:45 pm test ride a 2015 GRiSO and am expecting to ride it back home. Since the significant other has limited me to two bikes - unless I don't mind sleeping with them in the garage - it appears that the '09 Triumph Bonneville will be sacrificed. But I am really hoping that, one way (bought and ridden home) or the other (did not like the test ride), this puts an end to my near year long lusting for a GRiSO.

Once I bring it home it will immediately begin the personalization transformation. Out of the box I want to add a Dart fly screen and some sort of fender elimination kit to tidy up the rear. I have seen various FEKs mentioned on this forum but cannot see them offered for sale anywhere. Does anyone have a lead where I might purchase a FEK for a 2015 GRiSO?
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:15 pm

Good luck - you have only lusted after a GRiSO for a year? Most of us it is close to many years lusting after any MG - we are a sad lot indeed.
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:16 pm

HLMiskelly wrote: test ride a 2015 GRiSO and am expecting to ride it back home.  Since the significant other has limited me to two bikes - unless I don't mind sleeping with them in the garage - it appears that the '09 Triumph Bonneville will be sacrificed.  But I am really hoping that, one way (bought and ridden home) or the other (did not like the test ride), this puts an end to my near year long lusting for a GRiSO.

Once I bring it home it will immediately begin the personalization transformation.  Out of the box I want to add a Dart fly screen and some sort of fender elimination kit to tidy up the rear.  I have seen various FEKs mentioned on this forum but cannot see them offered for sale anywhere.  Does anyone have a lead where I might purchase a FEK for a 2015 GRiSO?

If I may...suggest you ask for Hank Sitzman. I bought 2 Guzzi's from him and he knows the product. Here is his direct phone: 615-225-6044 and email: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. He's a straight "shooter" and no, I do not get any kick-backs. I just want to see you deal with somebody that knows Moto Guzzi's. Let us know how it all turns out.
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:22 pm

NorthernProducer wrote:
If I may...suggest you ask for Hank Sitzman.  I bought 2 Guzzi's from him and he knows the product.  Here is his direct phone: 615-225-6044 and email: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].  He's a straight "shooter" and no, I do not get any kick-backs.  I just want to see you deal with somebody that knows Moto Guzzi's.  Let us know how it all turns out.

Hank's the sale representative I've been dealing with over the past month or so and he's the one who has arranged for my test ride tomorrow. So far I am impressed with Sloan's in general and hope that continues tomorrow.
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:26 pm

HLMiskelly wrote:
NorthernProducer wrote:
If I may...suggest you ask for Hank Sitzman.  I bought 2 Guzzi's from him and he knows the product.  Here is his direct phone: 615-225-6044 and email: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].  He's a straight "shooter" and no, I do not get any kick-backs.  I just want to see you deal with somebody that knows Moto Guzzi's.  Let us know how it all turns out.

Hank's the sale representative I've been dealing with over the past month or so and he's the one who has arranged for my test ride tomorrow.  So far I am impressed with Sloan's in general and hope that continues tomorrow.

Good luck tomorrow and the weather should be in your favor, too.
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:25 pm

Well, guys, it's a done deal and I am now the proud owner of a red 2014 MG GRiSO, sold to me by Hank Sitzman at Sloan's Cycles. The ride home from Murfreesburo, 85+ miles of county and state roads through Tennessee hill country, was fantastic. I am looking forward to many more years of fun riding on this bike.

The only downer was having to part with my customized '09 Triumph Bonneville. But my missus made it clear that there would not be enough room in the garage for three bikes and room for me to sleep, which surely would be the case if she found three bikes in the garage. So long, Vambo...
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Age : 78

Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:21 pm

HLMiskelly wrote:
Well, guys, it's a done deal and I am now the proud owner of a red 2014 MG GRiSO, sold to me by Hank Sitzman at Sloan's Cycles.  The ride home from Murfreesburo, 85+ miles of county and state roads through Tennessee hill country, was fantastic.  I am looking forward to many more years of fun riding on this bike.

The only downer was having to part with my customized '09 Triumph Bonneville.  But my missus made it clear that there would not be enough room in the garage for three bikes and room for me to sleep, which surely would be the case if she found three bikes in the garage.  So long, Vambo...

Great...and you worked in a 85 ride today. Congrats!
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:11 pm

Woohooo!!! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
Intoxicating ain't it? Laughing Laughing
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:28 pm

I'm pretty sure you could have rigged up a hammock....... Very Happy
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:51 pm

I'd just store the other bike at a mates place, tell her its on consignment at the bike shop ................... probably forget about it after three months.
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The Saint
The Saint

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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:06 am

Wayne, you're a clever bastard. Aren't ya?
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:00 am

Congrats on the new GRiSO! Thumbs Up
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:09 am

Congratulations! Welcome to the ranks of the Grisisti...

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:34 am

Given the choice, and it's happened several times, the bikes have always won out.
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Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:18 am

Congratulations, you have excellent taste in bikes. I'm also in the ranks of NGOs and loving every mile I put on mine.
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PostSubject: Re: Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow...   Off To Visit Sloan's in Murfreesboro Tomorrow... Icon_minitime1

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