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 A perfect day

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Join date : 2013-09-30

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PostSubject: A perfect day   A perfect day Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:21 pm

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Yes, Book Book is a real place. Yesterday (Saturday) was simply too perfect a day not to ride. 24 degrees celsius, slight breeze, sunny. So I spent a few hours with a hot italian.

There are no twisties 'round here, but there are a lot of sweepers on quiet roads where plod is seldom seen. You have to be careful though, especially this time of year - harvest time. Many a time I've come across a combine harvester that takes up both lanes in the road, travelling super slow. Not too bad if it's on flat country, but I have come over rises and been confronted with one. It's sphincter puckering.

So zipping through the back country, mind clear and focused, at one with the superb GRiSO twixt my legs, does life get any better?

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Posts : 1163
Join date : 2013-11-26
Age : 61

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PostSubject: Re: A perfect day   A perfect day Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:55 pm

We are in accord my man
I went riding around Corona California with some guys from a facebook meet-up called Top Dead Center.
They are a cruiser club (Harley's AND metric cruisers)
So I showed up on my GRiSO and gave them a thrill.

It reached about 80deg F.
In the winter.
And I was riding my GRiSO with my wife. Very nice day indeed.

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