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 Loud Valves/tapping on right bank

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PostSubject: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:00 pm

I now have about 2300 miles on my 2015 GRiSO 1200 SE did my break in service at seacoast sport cycle in Derry NH. Recently my valves seem to be very tappy louder then normal then I recall. I will have to get some video/audio of the sound just sounds like lifter tap to me not "normal guzzi noise" or does it get louder the more the engine breaks in? The sound vanishes around 4k+ rpm but crusing it is quite loud. The right bank has been MUCH louder then the left since the day I bought it very "clack clack clack"

Thanks in Advance
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LBC Tenni
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LBC Tenni

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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:23 pm

My 2011 is the same way. I recently had the 6k mile service done and I asked the tech about it while I was there. He told me don't worry, they all do that. Just get it good and hot every time you ride and don't sweat it.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:34 pm

Recheck the valves. No, it shouldn't 'Clack'! Roller top ends make a different noise to flat tappets but if properly adjusted they make more of a? High pitched rumbling I suppose you could call it, it's very hard to describe. Flat tappets make a tappy noise and of course both systems have the characteristic camchain whine.

Checking the valves is a fifteen minute job. Just do it.

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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:31 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
Recheck the valves. No, it shouldn't 'Clack'! Roller top ends make a different noise to flat tappets but if properly adjusted they make more of a? High pitched rumbling I suppose you could call it, it's very hard to describe. Flat tappets make a tappy noise and of course both systems have the characteristic camchain whine.

Checking the valves is a fifteen minute job. Just do it.


Thanks I have ran it more and got it quite good and hot and it quiets right down. Deff the first bike heck engine i have ran that runs awesome only when at volcanic temps lol
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The Saint
The Saint

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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:25 am

It is important to keep an eye on the clearances when this engine is new. I wouldn't trust the dealer to wait for the engine to completely cool down. So as Peter suggests, check them yourself. Mine were insistent on opening after every 500km and settled only after about 4000km. Also, the clearance tends to increase when the engine gets hot. What's that Pete, Unicorns?
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:30 am


No, metallurgy.
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PostSubject: Re: Loud Valves/tapping on right bank   Loud Valves/tapping on right bank Icon_minitime1

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