GRiSO ghetto
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Join date : 2013-11-26
Age : 61

GRiSO/Gladius Empty
PostSubject: GRiSO/Gladius   GRiSO/Gladius Icon_minitime1Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:49 pm

So. It's been a bit since I looked here and this is why.

I dragged my wife Terrie (Honeybrnskn the DungeonMistress) to the Motorcycle Expo so she could demo ride some various bikes on Dec 7. We rode Yamaha/Star cruiser called Bolt. Decent machine.
Terrie got onto a Ninja 300 and she LOVED it and next thing I knew she was sneering at cruisers. She decided that she needed something bigger so she wanted a Ninja 650 twin. But I didn't think much of the Kawi 650 twin motor.

I dragged Terrie into a Suzuki dealership on Dec 13 to look at the 650 V Twin Gladius. She liked the looks plenty but the big news was

Zero Down Zero percent financing!!!! So we took delivery on Sat Dec 14.
And we spent Saturday afternoon riding around to Newport Beach for seafood. Terrie on her Gladius her sister on the Can Am Spyder and me on the GRiSO. VERY fun evening.

Sunday we were riding to Cycle Gear and Terrie was pulling into the parking lot and she had reach problem with the front brake/throttle and shot into a parked car.
She got bruised and the bike is a bit scratched and the owner of the car saw the whole thing.
He said "I've been riding dirt bikes for years. These things happen. No harm No foul." WOW!!

Soooooo she rode the bike home 100 miles the next day and I rode it to and from work for the rest of the week.

I really like the 650 "L" twin motor. The steering is rather heavy but predictable. I think it is good for learners. The Gladius revs up to 10,500 rpm and can hit 140mph (theoretically - haven't done it).
I think the seat/pegs/bars are a little odd and that the seat/pegs would be Just Right if the bike had Falco clip-ons.

Then I got back on the GRiSO this past Sunday. BOOYAH!!!!!!!
LOVE that GRiSO!!! The Gladius spins quicker but the 1100 motor has Torque EVERYWHERE.
and here is the most interesting surprise - the GRiSO steers easier and quicker.
Yes, the GRiSO has wider bars. Barely. Both bikes have the same style handle bar. The Gladius is noticeably heavier to lean over by pushing the bars. The GRiSO handles better than the Gladius.

Did I say how much I love the GRiSO??? Getting back on that baby was Just SWEET. I feel completely satisfied with my "Beastie" (yes, That is drawn from the Jethro Tull album - my favorite Tull album).

And now the big problem in my house is deciding which bike gets money thrown at it first.


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Age : 59

GRiSO/Gladius Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO/Gladius   GRiSO/Gladius Icon_minitime1Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:12 pm

Viva GRiSO!   I have said it before, and I will say it again...

That said, I hope Terrie finds her bliss again soon.

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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Join date : 2013-11-26
Age : 61

GRiSO/Gladius Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO/Gladius   GRiSO/Gladius Icon_minitime1Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:43 pm

Terrie is doing well and she has repeatedly told me how much she is jonseing to ride her bike.
But I am VERY worried about her finger reach problem using the throttle/brake so I am asking her to wait until we can get a different lever that she can reach easier.
And I have to work on ride height for her too.

The Gladius comes equipped with a 4 point lever adjuster but I set it as close in as possible before we ever left the dealer so I have to find other sources.

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GRiSO/Gladius Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO/Gladius   GRiSO/Gladius Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:22 am

Owned a Gladius myself a very impressive bike the motor is just superb, finish great as well, only slight issue was riding position as the standard seat, tended to through me, 6foot 18stone forward. Anyway traded for a Z1000sx the green witch, she was lonely so have a black devil to keep her company, not run in yet but like it a lot, as always been a twin freak. Just love the grunt, look sound etc hear in Blighty (England) its rained for weeks but you guys in the States seem to have a bit of snow!!!!! half inch here and the world stops all the best from over the pond. Rat
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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO/Gladius   GRiSO/Gladius Icon_minitime1

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