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 GRiSO has a baby brother

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PostSubject: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:49 am

Picked up a TW200 a few weeks ago. This thing is fun! Worlds apart from the guzzi but it's a keeper.

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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:13 pm

You're in a great place for a TW!
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:58 pm

Man, Look at the Fat tyres on that TW Shocked   Extra Gription Thumbs Up
Oh, love those red / black schemes on the late Grisos
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Age : 63

GRiSO has a baby brother Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:54 am

Yes some bikes are just fun.
I still have the kids RT100 yamaha and it is a blast to ride.
Anyone who rides it has a smile on there face, and isn't that why we ride.

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Join date : 2014-08-18
Age : 60

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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:04 am

Nice buy! And nice place to use it! I am jealous. Cool It's really clean!!!!

Have been looking at used Yamaha Serrow's and also Honda XR250/400's + Suzuki DR400's as a second runaround and Green laning [ as we call it over here ] Not many places left over here where you can ride legally off road as the ramblers/walkers object to seeing a trail bike on a bridalway/lane. Evil or Very Mad
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Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-09-02

GRiSO has a baby brother Empty
PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:07 pm

Yup, lots of great places in New England to ride off road. I have a camp up in Northern New Hampshire with 40 acres of land. That's probably going to be it's new home.

I have been using it for a commuter bike for the last few weeks. Pretty decent on back roads and hauls my fat azz around pretty good for such a small bike.

It's a leftover 2014 model I got for $1000 off MSRP which isn't much more that you can find a decent used one for sale around here. Seems they hold their value pretty well.
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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO has a baby brother   GRiSO has a baby brother Icon_minitime1

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