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 shifting gears

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Pete Roper
king Rich
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king Rich
king Rich

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PostSubject: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:36 am

May get the dumb question award?
short of first gear selection, this bike seems to shift very easily ( up and down)without the use of the clutch, accidently came across this the other day. Bad/or OK?
I have not ridden in 15 years, just got the bike last week
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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:51 am

The newer 6 speeds are a delight from the ancient 5 speeds I used to have.
The older bikes were nigh on impossible to shift smoothly without the clutch, and if you tried to down shift (even with the clutch) whilst cornering it would result in a wiggle, if not a big wobble.

My Bellagio with the same 6 speed box as yours, will handle a clutchless downshift (blipping), whilst toe tapping the bitumen rounding a big left hand downhill sweeper that finishes in a sudden tight right hander. Sweeet!

And Welcome to the Ghetto, plus that's a great name for a town.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:01 am

Not the same box Wayne. The 1200's have no face cam shock absorber. While this doesn't affect the ability to change clutchlessly it does mean that getting it wrong has worse outcomes.

I usually limit clutchlessly changes to the top four gears going up and always clutch it on the way down.

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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:04 am

Ouch! So what do they do for a cush drive? I only ask in case I ever transfer my wheels to a GRiSO. Or stuff an 8V in Bella.
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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:08 am

Mine's the same (although I almost always use the clutch so can't say re: clutchless shifts). Shifting from neutral into 1st usually makes a nice agricultural "clunk". pig
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:10 am

Always use the clutch on a road bike, i am never in THAT much of a hurry, race bike gets abused only use the clutch to start and finish!
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:56 pm

Either works well - however, as Pete says, getting it wrongly timed is a tad awkward. I often blip down if things are a bit busy in traffic - keeps my hands firmly squeezing the shit out of the hanfgrip when some fucktard tries to cut you off in shitney. Other times, all is good.
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Charlie J
Charlie J

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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:59 pm

I always use the clutch on my 1100. When moving away from being parked I pull the clutch while lifting the stand and put a bit of weight on the gear lever slowly for a silent smooth gear change. Bike shifts up silently and mostly smooth downshifts. Shitloads better than days of yore.
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PostSubject: Re: shifting gears   shifting gears Icon_minitime1

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