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 A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver

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Pete Roper
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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:33 am

Thought I would post a few images of some bikes that showed. Unfortunately it was pretty slim pickins this month in comparison to some other nights but there were a few nice older bikes.

Fwiw Pete, the Ducati 750 is what George Dockray rode in on. He remembers you from your previous communication years ago and was complimentary in your problem solving ability with Guzzies and with your collaboration with the company.

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George is on the sidewalk in this one.
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Last edited by Steak on Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:55 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added the [img][/img] tags to show images inline. Easy to do, you can figure it out...)
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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:33 am

Excellent pictures, thank you 1151! cheers

See a Norton snuck in there then! Very Happy
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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:57 am

Pleasure Blue - I do like the look of Nortons... classy imo despite the hipster or lifestyle stigma some may attach to them Thumbs Up

Have some more pics I'll add from a meetup last year with some rather interesting bikes.

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:30 am

George is the shitz. Really. I've not met the man I don't think but he knows his stuff, is meticulous in his executions and unlike so many of the tryhards and hipster fuckwits who think cutting bits off and making things 'Radical' means they are some sort of stylistic and mechanical God he builds stuff that is oth practical and gorgeous that pays homage to the past without turning it into Parody.

His 'Endurance Racer' homage is both stunning to look at and technically superb. It would probably be sneered at by the tight trouser, beard and angle grinder brigade. Fuck them! Often! And twice on Saturday!

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:02 pm

I haven't met George either, but have seen his bike at various meets and rallies over the years. This is truly a beautiful piece of work. The design is exquisite and the fabrication and machining are unmatched. He's an aircraft mechanic/machinist and it shows. Check out this link:

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“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:16 pm

Fun images! Thanks! Holy smokes! The lovely green MG cafe bike and what you mention of his occupation draws a distinct analogy: his Guzzi artfully appears to be a driveline with a bike attached in the same vein that an A-10 is "the gun" with a plane attached. I think it's bitchin' but then again, I'm on the right side of the bell curve in the old farts forum.
If I could afford it, George, I'd buy it! Well done!
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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:52 pm

Logic cannot be beat by BS.
Back in the days of the Café trend, the bikes with no fenders, hacked up rear body work, no side covers or over sized front tires etc... were laughed at by normal folks (like myself) with taste and understanding of functionality with an idea that you can marry the two.
The folks with talents build real café bikes, the rest should have stayed in the construction business.
Nothing is changed today so the idiots that bring back these awful bikes to light today, are still wrong or at least depraved of any creativity what so ever.
Only a few can do it
I'm old enough to realize that what was ugly and stupid back then, still is today. Shit is well...shit. lol

A Citroen 2cv was ugly and cheap when it came out and it still is today. There's a pattern here...
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:03 am

I like café race type bikes but this doesnt do it for me.may look better in the flesh me it looks like the engine dominates the bike(and I do like to see an engine)and sits to low to the they say one mans meat.regards pat
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:00 am

That's fine, although you have to understand the history of the Tonti frame Guzzi to understand the compromises that make that bike look like it does. Just believe me that unlike most of the so-called 'Cafe' bikes it is superbly executed and technically sound.

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PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:59 am

Good looking bikes!
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PostSubject: Re: A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver   A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver Icon_minitime1

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A few pics from Italian bike meetup at Calabria Cafe in Vancouver
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