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 Service let down, dead battery

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king Rich
king Rich

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PostSubject: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:51 pm

Got my 2013 in for a "just in case" 600 mile service. It has 3200 miles now, Bought the bike with 2300 miles and the service records where sketchy. Two oil change receipts only, from a Guzzi dealer though.
Had valves checked, all oils changed, map checked/ updated.
First short ride, was smoother throttle, lest missing at 2800 rpm. But I noticed a higher Idal than before, 1800 rpm? Used to be 1200-1250 per the tach.
Short ride, maybe 15 miles.
Took it out today ready for a good stint, got 2 miles from home noticed turn signals stopped working and the tach was frozen at 2000 rpm. All " warning lights ( high beam/signals etc.) not working. Digital desplay was good though.
Head for home, got 1/4 mile, dead.
Found the negative battery cable loose on the battery. Wife brings jumper cables, starts right up, battery showing 10.2 volts.
Got another 1/4 mile had to re jump. Did let it sit on ten cables for 5 minuets. Got home, voltage drones when running, like the alternator is not charging.
Have it sitting on the battery tender now, looking for some insight.

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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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Service let down, dead battery  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:06 pm

main 30 amp fuses?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:08 pm

Oh dear, sounds like it's been buggered about with by someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

With the non charging? Check the fuses first, the loose earth cable may of caused a spike that has blown the charging circuit fuse, can't remember what else is on that circuit but indicators might well be.

Get a 5mm Allen key and check the air bleeds on the TB's and have a really good look at the paint on the throttle stop screw on the LH throttle body. If that's been messed with then you're in trouble.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Service let down, dead battery  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:39 am

That's interesting with the voltage, when my alternator went, the bike would still run with as little as 7.5 volts showing, then the screen would go blank and it would still get me the last few miles home.

Tried everything to fix it, but it was the alternator that was broken, with only 2245 miles on the clock, but the bike was 5 years old.

Good luck, there are lots of peeps here that will help.
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king Rich
king Rich

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Service let down, dead battery  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:45 am

Thanks guys, 30 amp fuses all good, all fuses good. Looks like the yellow paint on all the injection/ lineage is intact.
Thought it was strange that with the bike running that the alternator would not keep it running.
Seems like the Altinator, I'll have another look today, and try and check voltage from the alt. I'll be pissed if it's shot! So odd, just in for service, no problems, now this??
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:59 am

king Rich wrote:
Thanks guys, 30 amp fuses all good, all fuses good. Looks like the yellow paint on all the injection/ lineage is intact.
Thought it was strange that with the bike running that the alternator would not keep it running.
Seems like the Altinator, I'll have another look today, and try and check voltage from the alt. I'll be pissed if it's shot! So odd, just in for service, no problems, now this??

I am sorry to say, it took 2 months to get to the bottom of my alternator problem, it would work well for a week or two then pack up and then work again, it easily passed the test at the auto electricians, but it was replaced eventually for a new one and has worked ever since. Good luck
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king Rich
king Rich

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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:41 pm

Seems the Altinator is not putting out any juice, is there anything in a soft where update that could cause this? I did find the negative terminal loose when it first died, I would have guessed that in ten sevice they would disconnect it to re set things. Just can't believe that at 3200 miles its shot.
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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:43 pm

Check the belt is ok. If not the belt it could conceivably be that the loose connection has spiked the regulator on the alternator. If it is the same piece as on the Cali a cheap replacement is made by Genon Style for Denso alternators. Part#15-820 which I believe cross references to AA09E


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king Rich
king Rich

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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:16 pm

Pete, thanks much for the insight, going to open it up tomorw and check the belt. It's not putting out anything, so belt, regulator, alternator I guess
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PostSubject: Re: Service let down, dead battery    Service let down, dead battery  Icon_minitime1

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