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 5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees

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5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Empty
PostSubject: 5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees   5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:42 pm

Anyone here have some cold weather tips for riding the GRiSO in less than ideal circumstances?

I'll say it wasn't bad. I have the small flyscreen (that covers the cluster), but that was about it.

Anyone put on a larger screen for the less than ideal days? Or some Barkbuster's to get the hands out of the wind? Or heated grips?

I'm trying to tell myself I don't need a full on tourer for stuff like this...

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PostSubject: Re: 5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees   5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:06 pm

This subject has been discussed elsewhere in the Ghetto on several occasions, but here's my two cents. Of course it gets pretty frigid in Chicago so your riding season does come to an end, but here in the Northwest, we ride year-round, even in below-freezing temps some times. I have all my bikes outfitted with KOSO heated grips and GERBING connectors for heated gloves and jacket liner. And I'm experimenting more this winter with THERMACELL battery-powered heated insoles. I don't believe in being cold and miserable. I'm too old for that shit and it elevates the risk level. Stay warm and be safe.

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5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees   5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:21 pm

52 degrees? No need for heated gears yet in my book.
Thick warm jacket and quality gloves is all you need at those temps...
Once you're in the 40s, it's hard to find non heated gloves that will keep your fingers warm as it's the first part of the body that gets cold.
As for jacket, I picked up a thick winter Guzzi one made by DAINESE (D-tech engineered) that was on clearance at my dealer and this thing keeps me warm in the 20s temps with only Tshirt and sweather underneath. I love this thing, it's also waterproof.
Have waterproof Sidi boots that keep my feet warm at those temps as well...
It's just the gloves, they have to be the heated kinds in that case, simple as that.
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PostSubject: Re: 5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees   5 1/2 hours in 52 degrees Icon_minitime1

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