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 Winter Riding and GRiSO

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PostSubject: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:03 am

Though I have been riding for 20 years (I know - I'm younger than many of you have been riding), most of that time has been in California - so warmish climate most of the year. I now reside in Wisconsin and can't fathom only riding for 6 months of the year. I intend to outfit myself and my ride such that I can extend my riding months. If no snow or ice is present on the road, I want to be riding. Hoping the community can steer me in the right direction. Any advice is appreciated.

- looking to buy another set of rims and tires. Mainly, I want both sets to make swaps easier. Is there a winter tire preferred by you folks? I know winter tires for a bike are not common - really looking for something with a compound that will still provide traction in freezing temperatures.
- bike temperature control. A bit worried about this one. Due to the over cooling of the GRiSO, what would you recommend? Any of you pipe a temperature line and gauge? Thinking that and potentially blocking off or limiting flow to the cooler. Thoughts?

- bought new 4 season Dainese gear and Gervinho electric gloves and jacket liner. Bike is wired for it too. Haven't yet decided on electric pants and socks. Any experiences?
- what else should I be thinking about?

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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 1:08 pm

As far as heating components you're good in my opinion.
Wear some good under pants, boots and thick socks for freezing temps and you'll be set.
The trick I do for freezing weather is I use plastic shopping bags over my socks and I never get my feet cold even in 20 degree temps.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:02 pm

AOAM Riding in Madison in winter - BIG cojones indeed! Beware the ice...

I like it that you will not accept temperature as an excuse.

Tyres - well in northern Europe they do ice speedway, THEY have some awesome tyres, with spikes. Appropriate on your roads?
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:23 pm

Yeah - I know. Maybe I am crazy.

No tires with studs in Wisconsin. So I'm stuck with finding the best compound and tread pattern. I won't right in bad conditions... But we do get plenty of gaps where the road is clear and all is well - other than it being well below freezing.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:50 pm

Well below is an understatement
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LBC Tenni
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
LBC Tenni

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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:03 pm

I spent the first 23 years of my life in Eastern Iowa AOAM, so I know how it is out there. The other thing to prepare for is the nasty corrosive salt they put on the roads to melt the ice and snow. It will destroy exposed metal except for the best stainless steels. You'll want a rear hugger and front fender extender to keep that crap off as much as possible. It's a pale substitute for the GRiSO, but snowmobiles can also help to fill the riding void during the worst of it. I admire your spirit. Pillage!
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:14 am

Aswell as being corrosive, the salt / grit mix is good at taking paint off the front of engine blocks and swingarms etc . When the gritters start my good bikes stay in and the 350 traily comes out if cabin fever strikes
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:04 pm

I've thought about that. I have a couple of project bikes and maybe one of them I'll turn into the winter ride.
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:27 am

I rode every month of the year in Duluth when I lived there. But I only did that to say I did. Typically it was just the one day and a short ride at that. Very Happy Took out the tach cable and speedo one morning at ten below zero.

But that was in the early 80's, no cell phones. Today, I couldn't recommend it. Stopping distances are increased, salt and sand (sand can be a real pucker factor!) and with any sun at all the snow starts to melt from the drifts and packed snow along the road and this mess gets sprayed up on the bike and you.

If you insist on riding; then a sacrificial bike; e.g. Honda XR230L and a good open treaded tire for dual sporting like the Hiedendau (sp?) should do pretty good. Something light with low power so it won't easily spin the rear tire under marginal traction conditions and so light you can kick it off of you as you lay in the snow with it on top of you. Very Happy

And something cheap so when it corrodes to hell you won't feel too bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:33 am

Corrosion it a very real problem. Modern cars are pretty well treated against it (having a lot of plastic doesn't hurt either) but after ten years or so holes seem to appear. Which is better than the old days when 3-5 was the average. Some cars had nasty spots with holes appearing on top of the fender!

Motorcycles are like the old cars; no treatment what so ever (can't really blame the manufactures for that; no one expects you ride all year round in those conditions).

So some sort of spray corrosion preventative like BoeShield from Boeing and frequent washings (maybe just spritz the whole bike in oil as needed - all winter!!). But you'll find corrosion will be a real downer for you.
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Riding and GRiSO   Winter Riding and GRiSO Icon_minitime1

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