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 moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?

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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:12 pm

Hi, those second-hand S0190 silencers are originally from V11 (?) and I wonder if one could fit to my 850? I haven't seen them yet except in a couple of pictures, but the price is reasonable and the condition seems to be all right. Some link pipes are needed for sure, but the main question is, what is needed to do to this ECU-"thing". I am looking for a silencer not so silent, and one gpr is close to my heart. But the money doesn't grow on trees.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:07 pm

The biggest problem with fitting a 2 into 2 system with a pipe on each side of the bike is that the swingarm gets in the way on the right. Oh its possible. But not easy.

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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:24 am

I agree with Pete, a dual high mount would be the best option...
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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:26 am

Thanks a lot for the answers. My intention is to put only one muffler which would replace the original silencer, but that main pipe (or those two coming from cylinders, becoming one before the silencer) would remain as it is. I don't know about fasteners, do they match etc., but this isn't the biggest of all problems. (Gosh, this limited vocabulary makes troubles). The seller of the silencers will get rid of both and I don't mind buying both, maybe some day someone needs one and I am able to help. Well, best is to go and take a look of silencers. And first visit my bike, which is wintering some miles away, and measure a bit, so there will be so much room for speculation. The other way to proceed is to wish new muffler from Santa, who lives nearby, so have I heard.
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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:53 am

Christmas is coming soon, Lazze.

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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:04 am

cheers ...Rudolph has been slaughtered, eh?
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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Empty
PostSubject: Re: moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?   moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850? Icon_minitime1

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moto guzzi silencer s0190 to GRiSO 850?
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