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 Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted

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Join date : 2013-11-26
Age : 61

Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted Empty
PostSubject: Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted   Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted Icon_minitime1Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:12 pm

I have a job with a utility company and I drive a company vehicle.
So those damn rude Angelina drivers are extra evil to me Cuz they can cause a collision then sue my company.
Friday January 15th.
One driver blew a two way stop when I am driving on the road with right of way.
Then another cut me off leaving the gas station.
I hit my brakes both times and prevented collisions.

Then I am Stuck In a Severe Back Up on Centinela southbound to turn right on Jefferson.
I see a head light in my mirror to check out the approaching bike.
There are 2 valve covers! Guzzi!
I roll my window down.
The rider draws even with me and it's a 1200 GRiSO!
A True Believer.
I yelled out to the rider "I have one of those!"
He nods and keeps filtering up to the light.

So if any of you know a GRiSO pilot that works or lives in Playa Vista tell him  The DungeonMaster  found him.
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Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted   Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted Icon_minitime1Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:18 pm

Hey I met a friend in similar circumstances...
I had my Guzzi parked outside our local Cycle Gear store and once inside this guy came to me and asked "How do you like your 8V GRiSO?"
He figured it was mine since I had on my Guzzi jacket that day and being the only one with such.
Told him I loved the bike blablablah to which he said he had a 07 1100 and loved it, to which I said I also had one of those. Laughing Laughing

Anyway that following weekend, we were riding together and been friends ever since. Thumbs Up
He since traded the GRiSO for a new V7 but he misses the big block so he might get a Stelvio...
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Joy of LA driving GRiSO spotted
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