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 Dealer want me to get extended warrantee

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Pete Roper
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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:57 pm

So, I got an email from my dealer warning me I have 6 mo left on the warrantee and I can get a 4 year extended one from them (at a price).
I looked into it when I bought the bike and it was about $1,000. So far this bike has been flawless. I had the rear wheel speed sensor replaced and the tank refitted for a pinched hose. Other than that its been flawless. I service it myself and have about 6,500 miles on it.

ON THE OTHER HAND. If the speedo crapped out it would pay for the warrantee, of course brakes, clutch are not covered and the contract has a world of fine print. What do you all think?

I think I got a good one but.... Question
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:00 pm

What year model? Flat or roller?

Generally speaking aftermarket warranties aren't worth the paper they're written on.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:24 pm

If it sounds too good to be true, it is - caveat emptor!
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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:27 pm

Pete Roper wrote:

Generally speaking aftermarket warranties aren't worth the paper they're written on.

Ain't that the truth! Good advice here folks, stay away from those scams...
Here in the US they come up with a new Company, write a bunch of policies then desolve said company after 6 months and run away with your money. Niiiiiiiice.
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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:02 pm

Just a little suggestion.
Which is not exactly convenient from Pasadena but I make this trip from Victorville.
My very good friend Sean runs his own Guzzi shop in Santa Ana called RTL Moto.
He is Very Good.
He has been working on Guzzi's since he got out of high school as far as I know and I worked with him at Moto Italiano.
I just give Sean my bike and ask him to make it sweet.

No, that didn't answer the warranty question but I got a warranty on my GRiSO and I have never bothered using it.
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GRiSO Capo
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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:29 pm

DM , does your face really look like jeff dunham's Walter ?
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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:15 am

If you do all the servicing yourself, your standard Guzzi factory warranty will just about be null and void, especially if your flatties go south into the sump.

So $1000 for an extended warranty probably means your dealer will be $200 better off with his commission, and the warranty company owner will be laughing all the way to his holiday home in the Carribean with the rest.

My experience has been, a local "Extended Warranty" company wanted me to pay them $500 to put a business size add in his warranty booklet. I was wanting to offer his customers peace of mind with free towing, funded by him. After probing him for numbers this is what I have learnt.

Policies he sold per annum: 700
Cost of policy: $700 (annual turnover of $490,000)
Commissions paid: $200/policy (annual costs of $140,000)
Claims per year - approved: about 10
Average cost of claim: about $2,500 (annual cost of $25,000)

I had to pay to advertise.
Who reads the warranty booklet before they breakdown?
Who would have the booklet on them?
Who would see my add and call ............... out of the 10 breakdowns they approved claims for.
Not a bad scam for $325,000 annual profit for a business run from a garage under the house.
Oh, he paid his dumb arsed son about $35k a year to run it while he sailed and drank piss.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:50 am

ghezzi wrote:
If you do all the servicing yourself, your standard Guzzi factory warranty will just about be null and void, especially if your flatties go south into the sump.

So $1000 for an extended warranty probably means your dealer will be $200 better off with his commission, and the warranty company owner will be laughing all the way to his holiday home in the Carribean with the rest.

My experience has been, a local "Extended Warranty" company wanted me to pay them $500 to put a business size add in his warranty booklet. I was wanting to offer his customers peace of mind with free towing, funded by him. After probing him for numbers this is what I have learnt.

Policies he sold per annum: 700
Cost of policy: $700 (annual turnover of $490,000)
Commissions paid: $200/policy (annual costs of $140,000)
Claims per year - approved: about 10
Average cost of claim: about $2,500 (annual cost of $25,000)

I had to pay to advertise.
Who reads the warranty booklet before they breakdown?
Who would have the booklet on them?
Who would see my add and call ............... out of the 10 breakdowns they approved claims for.
Not a bad scam for $325,000 annual profit for a business run from a garage under the house.
Oh, he paid his dumb arsed son about $35k a year to run it while he sailed and drank piss.

Sounds to me like I'm in the wrong line of work! Well, except for the piss-drinking part... and screwing people over for a living.

Those two items aside, what a sweet gig!
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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:09 am

....Just say NO!
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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:05 am

This is a 2013 GRiSO with about 6,500 miles on the clock, and running tip top.
Yes, I do my own service, in California the manufacturer has to uphold the warrantee if you keep good records. I will keep RTL in mind for big stuff. Since I have rollers in this bike I think we are going to have a long riding relationship.

Also, my wife said "are you crazy? Sounds like a rip off!!" I will take the money saved and buy tires, oil, gas and beer...

Thanks for the input!
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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:14 pm

Dealer want more of your money...

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:11 pm

Unless it is a manufacturer policy I suggest you may want to politely decline .
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealer want me to get extended warrantee   Dealer want me to get extended warrantee Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:33 am

I do my own servicing and told Piaggio as such when I contacted them regarding rollerising my sport, no problem it seems, but I have receipts for oil and filters from the local guzzi dealer, plus I told them that I was an engineer, but not of what.
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