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 New fuel map.

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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:40 am

After a (very) long paws I would like to offer a big vote of thanks to 'beetle' for the revised/improved fuel map which he sent me to sort out the slow running of my GRiSO 1100. It's a great improvement over the standard map. cheers I know the standard map is fine when you are cracking on but when you have to potter along in traffic its a real pain, the new map is soooo much better.

The delay was due to the onset of winter here in the UK. and the fact that when I tried to link my laptop to the bike I found that I had 28 com ports most of which were tied to BT (blue tooth) and the updating software wouldn't connect. Slowed me down a bit. I fiddled around with it for ages but eventually gave in and got a techy friend to reassign the com port as required - BINGO!! Laughing I followed the 'how to' tutorial provided and it all went as planed - only slight nervous tension at the first start up.
Now that spring has (very nearly) sprung the GRiSO will be getting a bit of exercise.

I would have posted a picture or two but I still can't figure out how its done (is there a 'how to' for that I wonder) not that it looks much different from others - it's red and looks like a GRiSO - but now it goes better than some!

I'm very envious of you chaps down there in Oz - I lived there (Adelaide) for about 8 years but came back to the UK. for various reasons and now the powers that be wont let me back except for holidays; not rich enough to emigrate - did you know you need a $million minimum before you are even considered. In England we let anybody in and pay some to stay!!!! Mad    Rant over.

Stay cool all. Cool
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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:44 am

Here's a link to the How Tos etc. welcome thread.

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Our photo uploader was recently upgraded to allow batch, drag and drop, uploads. Though the process is still essentially the same.

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:30 pm


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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:43 am

Ooooh. Beatle, is this different than the 1100 map you sent me a year or so ago?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:20 am



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Converted Duc
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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:52 am

Wow a million to imigrate, did you try Qld they take anyone...especially if you can play League Razz
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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:13 pm

WTF are you on? Glad they can play league. Union ain`t too clever, that is in the face of English opposition that is set for world domination at all levels. Wink
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New fuel map. Empty
PostSubject: Re: New fuel map.   New fuel map. Icon_minitime1

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