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 Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
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Bill Hagan

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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:21 pm

I heard that some central Pennsylvanians were going to be riding on Saturday of Independence Day weekend.  It is not insignificant or irrelevant that Kathi was going to be at Fort Bragg with one set of grandbabies over that weekend.

So I got the details from the Guzzigruppenfuhrer, Jay (of Palmyra).  

Jay had a fine route on some of the super roads in the area.  If you are a map geek as I am, here is what the had in mind:

[The maps' png files take a moment or two to load]

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That sounded fine to me, and, tho I had been on most of the “inbound leg” last April with Larry LaHue on our Norges, repeating that, especially as it would be in a different direction than last time, sounded mighty fine to me.  Pennsylvania has grand riding roads.

But, rather than riding to Palmyra for the launch, I arranged to meet the group in Ickesburg, and continue with them from there.

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Here’s some pix of that ride and post-ride activities, and the return home:

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As always, probably best in "slideshow" and "full screen," especially if, inexplicably, you like captions.  Rolling Eyes

Happy Independence Day, U.S.A.!

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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:09 pm

Good read Bill, again.
Seems to be a plethora of Guzzi's on tow trucks lately.
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GRiSO Capo
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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:23 pm

G'day Bill
Thanks for your reports and photos, boy thats a great part of God's creation your at ....
Regards from Tasmania
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PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:38 pm

Happy 4th to you, Bill. Nice report made better by clever captions.

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“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart

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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:56 am

Thanks, Bill. I enjoyed that. Thumbs Up


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GRiSO Capo
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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:38 am

Very good Bill. When I say Bill has some more trip Photo's , Jan sits by me and soaks it all in cheers
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Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:10 pm

Bill, Next time you come down that way go thru ft. Indiantown gap, look for a road named goldmine road. It's a real hiden gem. Whenever I ride north on 81 I always pop off the highway there, ride goldmine, and then take 209 back to 81
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Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Bill Hagan

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Join date : 2014-07-03

Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:59 pm

Did it.

Completely by accident, as I was lost from the group and headed to Palmyra.

I actually loved IGMR as a ROTC cadet in -- gasp, 1970 Shocked  Still recall hearing the sounds of "To the Colors" wafting up from the main cantonment while on an exercise up on the mountain -- and was surprised and pleased when I ended up there unintentionally.

Better, it had been recently repaved.  

You are right ... so fine.

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PostSubject: Re: Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix]   Grisoing Around Central Pennsylvania [Pix] Icon_minitime1

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