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 Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:38 pm

My dear wife is off to Kentucky for 2 weeks on a horse riding trip.
Would have gone myself but 2 weeks riding horses does not appeal.
To fill some of the time I have taken a week away from work and intend to go riding on the worlds most expensive Tenni GRiSO.
Plan to head north into southern QLD because it is warmer at this time of year and visit some places I haven't been to before.
I have done the Oxley and Thunderbolts as well as the main roads from the New England down to the coast and will probably do some again.
Any thoughts from the locals or others on alternatives would be appreciated.
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Charlie J
Charlie J

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Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:52 pm

If your not in a hurry you could go up the Oxley then go to Armidale to Ebor and Dorrigo,down Waterfall Way. Along the Pacific to Grafton Casino and up to just before Tenterfield and up the Mt Lindsay to Beaudesert the Brisvegas.
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Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:11 pm

Grafton up the Gibraltar Range, Gwydir H'way. To Glen Innes is 160Km, but at Bald Knob (approx 130km) you turn right onto Dundee Rd .............. to Dundee (12k). This is a 25km short cut away from plod infested territory.

Take it easy up to Tenterfield, especially the 50kph zone in Deepwater, nearly ended up in "deep shit" there a few times.

At Tenterfield take the Bruxner H'way back towards the coast, a great 40km ride down to Drake Village. Stop for lunch at the pub, a coupla bikes inside.

Option A. From there if you are in a hurry to get to Brisbane, take the short cut via Bonalbo, Urbenville and Woodenbong (that's the shit road)to the Mt Lindsey H'way. From here to Rathdowney there are lots of twisties, with a few bumpy patches here and there ............... Bella's hunting ground.

Option B. No time constraints touring. From Drake head east to Casino, North to Kyogle and then North West to Rathdowney, either via Woodenbong again or the 25min short cut over the Lions Rd.

In SEQ we have Gold Coast Hinterland;
Springbrook, Beechmont, Hinze Dam, Mt Tamborine etc.

Sunshine Coast Hinterland:
Peachester, Maleny, Kenilworth, Stanley River Rd etc.

Brisbane's western suburbs lead you to Mt Nebo/Mt Glorious and surrounds.

Mal G is flying up here soon to retrieve one of his V7's, same offer to you of free bed, food and coffee. No sex! (unless you want to share the single bed with Mal)
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:45 pm

Thanks chaps, I won't be in a rush so happy to take the long route.
Might take you up on the offer of a bed if it works out but definitely won't be sharing with Mal.
Probably head off on Sunday August 21.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:54 pm

Party at Ghezzi's place ? Viva la Fiesta drunken
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:35 pm

As long as everyone keeps their pants on
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Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:29 pm

Come on down, or up depending on where you live, bring a swag.
Only got a webber mini-Q, dinner and breakfast in shifts.
Non stop coffee, BYO rum.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Age : 63

Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions   Roads heading North from Sydney suggestions Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:57 pm

mark111 wrote:
As long as everyone keeps their pants on
Mark, see if you can borrow Beetle's Goat Leggings  Laughing , or bring your own  pale
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