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 Changing tune.

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PostSubject: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 00:51

After purchasing my GRiSO used (1300k)from the dealer,I noticed the mileage readings climbing until they reached 16L per 100 KM.Beetle suggested pulling the main fuses to reset things.Eureka!This made a huge difference in mileage and smoothness.Now after 2 yrs of ownership and trying different maps with guzzi diag and resetting tps,auto learning parameters,and fiddling with the CO trim I can get it running fairly well but it seems to keep changing for the worse until I get fed up and pull the main fuses again then it runs better for a while.Does anyone have an idea why the tuning seems to shift of it's own accord?Could the auto learning parameter have something to do with it?Cheers,Hookah.
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LBC Tenni
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LBC Tenni

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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 01:40

Weird. ECU gremlins?
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GRiSO Capo
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Changing tune. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 01:53

Unless you are running an open-loop map (lambda off), CO trim is inactive. For closed loop maps, the autolearning parameters will keep being trimmed to very lean. Not stupid rich, like the 16L/100K.


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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 02:46

Roller or flat?
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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 10:18

It's a 2013 roller.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 16:57

Well that rules that out. Any codes being thrown?

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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 21:14

No codes being thrown,after pulling the 2 30 amp fuses the bike runs better and even improves for several rides then deteriorates to the point where I can feel and hear the difference.This occurs with the stock map and Beetle maps.Wondering if the dealer did something to screw the ECU.They had put on an Agostini pipe ,then took it off saying it backfired all before I purchased the bike.I have no faith in the Dealer because they told me 16L/100K was normal for this bike and got quite angry with me when I said that wasn't true.Might have to go to MOTO INTERNATIONAL in Seattle,not too far,but that Yankee dollar makes things pricey.Cheers,Hookah.
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Tue 09 Aug 2016, 21:49

Which map are you currently running?

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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Wed 10 Aug 2016, 12:58

Hi Beetle,I am currently running the Zard no cat map with an Agostini(non megaphone)pipe with the DBK removed.It runs smoothest with the least backfiring with the CO trim at +25!I have reinstalled the stock map previously and it backfired pretty badly but I didn't adjust the co trim so radically.The fact that the way the bike runs changes over several days has me confused and makes me wonder if the shop somehow screwed up the ECU when they were trying to adjust for the Agostini pipe.Well,I am going to pull the fuses wait a bit then go for a ride!Cheers,Hookah.
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1Wed 10 Aug 2016, 17:15

I'm sending you an Agostini map. Turn the CO back to zero when you install it.


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PostSubject: Re: Changing tune.   Changing tune. Icon_minitime1

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