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 Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee

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PostSubject: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:41 am

FINALLY...the temp's were lower and encouraged a late Summer 100 mile ride along the nearby "Civil War Trail" that runs through my county. Heck...I almost forgot what is was like to ride without sweat running down my face! It was great ride and look forward to the Fall riding season!

For those interested, here is a link to the "Civil War Trail" site: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:00 pm

Paging Mr. Hagan!

Bill is not only a civil war buff but also generously free with his knowledge of history. You want some 'Good Learnin' ' listen to Bill!

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PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:48 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
Paging Mr. Hagan!

Bill is not only a civil war buff but also generously free with his knowledge of history. You want some 'Good Learnin' ' listen to Bill!


I thought my post might get Bill's attention, Pete.  Living in Tennessee and in the midst of some of the famous battle fields of the war, it is hard to ignore that part of our country's history.  Tennessee is second only to Virginia (Bill's state) in the number of battles fought.  Interestingly, I have ancestors that fought on both sides of that "difference of opinion".  So, I find it interesting to explore the history.  My wife is more a student of that period and especially of our President at the time. So she will often fill in the answers to questions about the war.

My area of Tennessee is also famous for its section of the Natchez Trace and being the final resting place for Meriwether Lewis (like Bill...originally from Virginia) of Lewis and Clark fame.

In all...lots of places to ride and visit within a 100 mile radius of home.
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Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:07 pm

Northern P, you're lucky to live in TN as far as motorcycle riding goes...
I should be in TN by the end of the month or early October depending on my schedule.
I plan to stay at the Iron Horse for 3 or 4 days and ride away from there to come back at the end of the day to crush out.
I can never get enough of Mountain riding... Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:54 pm

Grisonut wrote:
Northern P, you're lucky to live in TN as far as motorcycle riding goes...
I should be in TN by the end of the month or early October depending on my schedule.
I plan to stay at the Iron Horse for 3 or 4 days and ride away from there to come back at the end of the day to crush out.
I can never get enough of Mountain riding... Twisted Evil

I sure hope you have a good time while in TN, and have a chance to explore the area. Over my years, I've lived in 5 states and they all have good places to ride, but Tennessee has been the best for me. There are plenty of destination rides possible and obviously, lots of scenic Mountain and "back country" riding...and it all starts at the end of my driveway.

How about a ride report when you return?
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Bill Hagan
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Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:55 pm

NorthernProducer wrote:
Pete Roper wrote:
Paging Mr. Hagan!

Bill is not only a civil war buff but also generously free with his knowledge of history. You want some 'Good Learnin' ' listen to Bill!


I thought my post might get Bill's attention, Pete.  Living in Tennessee and in the midst of some of the famous battle fields of the war, it is hard to ignore that part of our country's history.  Tennessee is second only to Virginia (Bill's state) in the number of battles fought.  Interestingly, I have ancestors that fought on both sides of that "difference of opinion".  So, I find it interesting to explore the history.  My wife is more a student of that period and especially of our President at the time.  So she will often fill in the answers to questions about the war.

My area of Tennessee is also famous for its section of the Natchez Trace and being the final resting place for Meriwether Lewis (like Bill...originally from Virginia) of Lewis and Clark fame.

In all...lots of places to ride and visit within a 100 mile radius of home.

Pete is kind.  Actually, if I am knowledgeable on any period of American military history, it might be more the French & Indian War than the unpleasantness of '61 - '65 100 or so years later!  But, as NP notes, Tennessee was an important -- indeed, critical and pivotal -- part of that sad time.

But, FWIW, and why I just saw this thread, Kathi and I were in Tennessee during the past few days, but well to the east.

We just got to Atlanta after three days with other Guzzisti at the "South'n Spine Raid," the twelfth now of that annual event.  We stay at the Lodge at Tellico, ride, tell lies, drink, and repeat (tho the first and third of those activities are appropriately separated!).

Last year, I rode the GRiSO; this year, the EV.

Here are three pix:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

More about the event here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

OBTW, there is an interesting -- OK, maybe only to me!  study  Rolling Eyes -- nexus between that motorcycle paradise of east Tennessee, where I live now at the top of Virginia, and the French & Indian War.  More here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

It would be hard to find better roads in the USA for two-wheeled fun than those we rode this weekend.

Best to all,

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Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:23 pm

NorthernProducer wrote:

How about a ride report when you return?

I can do that...
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Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:54 am

Grisonut wrote:
NorthernProducer wrote:

How about a ride report when you return?

I can do that...

Great...look forward to it!
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Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee   Great Day For A Ride in Tennessee Icon_minitime1Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:34 pm

Civil war? Look where that got you. Hilary v Donald and a nation where millions admit to being abducted by aliens. Wink

Thank God for Doris Day and Elvis

Oh! and Hollywood, Nasa, Indy car, Coca Cola.......Levis.... Lease lend, Omaha beach

Not a bad sacrifice after all.
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