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 Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014

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Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Empty
PostSubject: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:51 pm

Wife and I did a 10 day road trip to Arizona. A great place to ride!!

Link to some photos:

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Age : 59

Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:26 pm

Looks like a fantastic trip, even meeting up with Tenzing Norgay while on the road.  Give us some idea where the photos were taken.  

Salton Sea?
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Kitt Peak?
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Where's this great view?
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And where is this tasty looking ribbon?
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Where'd you find the snowy stuff?
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Ghost town?
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Not nice to torture your wife like this.  Making her stop on such a mouth watering bend...
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Nice trifecta, planned or random?
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Were you on a big loop, or was it an A to B, B to A kind of trip?  The photos look like you had great weather, any challenges over the 10 day span?"

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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PostSubject: Re: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:57 pm

Hello Mr. Steak,

Yea, kind of a loop: Salton Sea, Glamis, Gila Bend, Ajo, Organ Pipe NM, Kitt Peak, Arivaca, Patagonia, Fort Huachuca, Bisbee, Douglas, Chiricahua NM, Willcox, Mt. Graham, Safford, Globe, Salt River Canyon, Morenci, Coronado Trail, Fort Apache, Show Low, Payson, Sedona, Jerome, Prescott, Bagdad, Wickenburg and back to SoCal.

The view shot was taken at Chiricahua National Monument. The curvy road shot was taken on Mt, Graham, a wonderful dead end road near Safford, the snow was at Hannagan Meadow on the North end of the Coronado Trail (Highway 191) (one of the best roads in AZ, 80 miles of Nirvana in far Eastern Az), red rocks in Sedona, ghost town was Jerome, the curvy road just after is the Mingus Mountain road, 12 miles of what you see and tighter and encountered only one geezer/RV, and the last shot was near Idyllwild. My brother just picked up that beautiful Norge and joined us at Chiriaco Summit in the Mojave desert for the last day's ride home.

We were very lucky with the weather; the recent storm hit us while overnighting in Douglas. Started to rain just after we arrived at the hotel and we woke to beautiful blue sunny skies. Fantastic weather for 10 days and 2300 miles.
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PostSubject: Re: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:32 am

Thanks for the photos and the travel log. I'm just itching for a trip like that.

Next month I'm going to ride down to Loomis, CA for my buddy Don's (Stelvio guy) 50th Birthday party and hang out for a bit, maybe do some exploring. Then we're going to leave there for a ride at the end of April for 5 days or so. After that, I'm thinking of riding down to So Cal to visit some friends and my brother before heading east to Austin to visit my sister. After that, who knows? East coast loop??? I'm thinking of spending a couple few months out on the road.

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:44 am

I have a five day weekend Apr 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
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PostSubject: Re: Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014   Arizona Road Trip: Feb/Mar 2014 Icon_minitime1

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