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 Maui Moto Expereience (no GRiSO)

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Posts : 103
Join date : 2013-09-11

Maui Moto Expereience (no GRiSO) Empty
PostSubject: Maui Moto Expereience (no GRiSO)   Maui Moto Expereience (no GRiSO) Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:08 pm

So its been a pretty shitty couple of months: Quit my job after getting into a scrap about the quality of design with the rest of the management twats at the architectural firm where i'm currently employed. Then my best friend gets herself killed in a small plane crash on the island of Lanai in Hawaii.

Red-eyed it to Maui last weekend to say a few words at her memorial and decided to at least have one morning of fun. Saw a lot of pasty white dudes w/o helmets living out their Harley fantasies at 25 mph but found an alternative: Dual Sports!

At first, tried to sign up for a dual sport tour up the volcano but the enduro group going out were too experienced for me on single track. Ended up renting a small Honda CR250L (instead of the KLR650 they first rolled out) and went for a boot around the famous Road to Hana, solo. I picked the right bike. First half of the ride was a full-on monsoon with streams running down the highway along with the occasional small landslide. While my boots were literally filled with water I was grinning in my helmet. I didn't even really mind the usual tourist cars as your speed is limited by numerous blind hairpin corners and you scoot pass them where you can. The sun was shining as usual when i got to the desert side of the island and the stunning vistas hit open up.

Fuck, I needed that! Highly recommend the guys at Maui DualSport. Down to earth and knowledgeable. At first i was wondering why they were giving me a rain jacket but, obviously, they were right on. $205 day rate for bike and full gear. They have the bikes above in addition to some KTMs for the advanced dirt riders. Put it on your itinerary next time you are on Maui.

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