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 A few easy mods

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Enzo the baker
Enzo the baker

Posts : 194
Join date : 2014-03-25

A few easy mods Empty
PostSubject: A few easy mods   A few easy mods Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:41 pm

It's farkle season at my house. Today I installed the GRiSO rear rack and MG bag and later the postman brought my Knight lowered pegs. The bag is surprisingly roomy, I was able to put my folded Barbour, a bottle of water and my hat in with no difficulty even had room to spare.  I haven't tried the new pegs as yet. Pretty cool adjustable shift lever took up most of the slack between the new peg. Knight's stuff seems high quality and their customer service is top notch, ordered on Saturday received today! I may take an early evening spin around town. Got the Mistral carbon fibre can and a small MRA wind screen on order, hopefully should arrive before months end. I will post pictures when completed.
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