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 Engine Oil Type

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Pete Roper
8 posters

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PostSubject: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:41 pm


I'm preparing to change the engine oil in a 2016 GRiSO and I was wondering what oil is recommended? Did a few searches here in the Ghetto but came up empty handed.
During the first service, the dealer installed Motoul 10/60 7100. Is this the correct oil?

Are these engines oil sensitive?
What about shell products?
I have someone telling me he is using Shell Ultra 4 10-40. Is this the correct oil for this engine?

Thanks in advance for your support

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GRiSO Capo
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Engine Oil Type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:09 pm

Full synthetic oil is mandatory. Anyone who says otherwise should be ignored. People will use all kinds of arguments about the ratings. Just use 10W-60. I use Penrite 10-Tenths.

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:34 pm

I use Amsoil 10W60. But I buy OEM filters. The oil your dealership used is correct, but there are substitutes that meet the same standards. The choice is yours friend.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:34 pm

That's basically it. We also use Penrite 10 Tenths Premium 10-10/60. It's a good oil, built here, that meets and exceeds the specs required.

I always suggest buy a 20 Litre drum and a drum pump as this effectively halves the cost compared to buying 5 litre jugs.

Don't over-fill the engine. Pre-fill the filter before you put it on and add three litres. Run the bike for a minute and then check the oil, (Bike upright, stick resting on the threads.) and adjust the level so it is no more than half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks on the stick. If you fill it to 'Full' it will simply blurt the excess into the airbox risking gumming up your stepper motor and fouling your TB's.

When you have it at the right level with the bike upright simply stick it on the sidestand and check the level again. Wherever it is on the stick is where it needs to be in future when you check the bike on the sidestand so you don't have to do the preposterous balancing act of sitting astride the bike and fiddling with the stick!

Above all don't get all bloated and crampy about the level. As long as you can see *Some* oil on the stick it's fine, there's lots in there!

Note as well that the 2015 on Grisos may take slightly less oil due to the difference in sump design.


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Engine Oil Type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:13 pm

Thank you all for all the advice.
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Engine Oil Type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:01 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
Note as well that the 2015 on Grisos may take slightly less oil due to the difference in sump design.


By the way, Pete, while talking about oil and the 2015 on GRiSO, I suspect oil filter for these late models to be different too Embarassed am I right?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:55 pm

Yes, it uses the same filter as the Cali 14
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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:22 pm

Intrigued by this latest petroleum-porn thread, and oft-frustrated and annoyed by buying ENI or other conforming 10w60 here in the U.S., I thought I’d see if one could buy that Ozian "Penrite 10 Tenths Premium 10-10/60" here.

The main Penrite website showed Restoration Supply Company, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] as the sole source for that in the U.S.

Hmmmmm. I could not find that specific oil on that website, though I did see 20W60 there:

Penrite 20w60

I then emailed RSC and asked about it. Got this:

"Unfortunately we don't stock the Penrite 10 Tenths. We only supply some of there products. Whatever we have listed is what we stock.”

So (Pete), given my almost breathtaking ignorance in such matters, is the 20w60 stoooopid … or why not?

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:25 pm

I use Motul 7100 4T and used it in my 2013 Stelvio. I get it from Amazon $47 a gallon
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:38 pm

The 20W60 is a full mineral and despite what Penrite say I wouldn't stick a full mineral oil anywhere near turbocharged engine or a hot and high revving one....I'd go synthetic. BTW the difference between 10W (down to -20C) and 20W(down to -10C) is just cold starting and cold pumpability.
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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:39 pm

paulbrice wrote:
The 20W60 is a full mineral and despite what Penrite say I wouldn't stick a full mineral oil anywhere near turbocharged engine or a hot and high revving one....I'd go synthetic.    BTW the difference between 10W (down to -20C) and 20W(down to -10C)  is just cold starting and cold pumpability.

Oops. Didn't see the fossil content. Embarassed


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Engine Oil Type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:07 pm

Bill Hagan wrote:
paulbrice wrote:
The 20W60 is a full mineral and despite what Penrite say I wouldn't stick a full mineral oil anywhere near turbocharged engine or a hot and high revving one....I'd go synthetic.    BTW the difference between 10W (down to -20C) and 20W(down to -10C)  is just cold starting and cold pumpability.

Oops.  Didn't see the fossil content.  Embarassed



Maybe that's an indication of another kind of fossilization? Twisted Evil

(duckin' and runnin', can't resist a big fat one over the plate!)
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Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
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Bill Hagan

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:14 pm

ITSecurity wrote:
Bill Hagan wrote:
paulbrice wrote:
The 20W60 is a full mineral and despite what Penrite say I wouldn't stick a full mineral oil anywhere near turbocharged engine or a hot and high revving one....I'd go synthetic.    BTW the difference between 10W (down to -20C) and 20W(down to -10C)  is just cold starting and cold pumpability.

Oops.  Didn't see the fossil content.  Embarassed



Maybe that's an indication of another kind of fossilization? Twisted Evil

(duckin' and runnin', can't resist a big fat one over the plate!)

Can I take first base on that? Think I was leaning over the plate when your fastball beaned me! Rolling Eyes

I did deserve it. Yikes. scratch Embarassed

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PostSubject: Re: Engine Oil Type   Engine Oil Type Icon_minitime1

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Engine Oil Type
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