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 Wife goes shopping and I go riding

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Wife goes shopping and I go riding Empty
PostSubject: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1Tue May 13, 2014 5:06 am

Ventured back up to the sister in laws in Newcastle NSW Australia last weekend.
Wife wanted to go shopping with her sister for a dress for the daughters wedding and as any red blooded GRiSO rider would think.
She's are going shopping I'm are going riding.
Arrived Friday night after a ride through Sydney, every freaking traffic light I think I hit.
Had a couple of Bourbon's and hit the sack at around midnight.
Woke up got ready for a start at 8.00am and couldn't find the remote to get out of their unit complex.
Around 9.00am they arose and away I went, sun shining and around 17 C great riding weather.
Didn't go above 23 C so really good.
Out onto the Pacific Hwy, GRiSO cruises really well on the boring road way.
Turned onto Bucketts Way to Gloucester, good road winding through a valley.
This is the scenery I had to put up with, stayed behind a car for miles just so I could enjoy it.
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The road to Gloucester wasn't to bad to ride the surface bumpy in sections really enjoyable.

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Not a good scene to see as I came around a corner.
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At Gloucester you turn right and Bucketts Way continues to Krambach and then on to Taree my destination for lunch.
From Krambach the road wasn't to bad, then it turned into the bumpiest road for the last 10kms.
I was standing on the pegs riding dirt bike style a couple of times.
Awesome ride.
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Had lunch and thought I could go down the Hwy or back along the bumpy section of the Bucketts Way and turn left at Krambach.
Nar Hwy's suck so off I went to bounce my lunch.
Turned left onto Avalon road to Nabiac, has a really good motorcycle museum.

Many years ago the main Hwy went over the mountain at Bulahdelah, great corners but a death trap for a main Hwy.
Many truck and car accidents so they are bypassed now.
It's now called Wootton Way.
That was my target from Nabiac as I rode it in the early 1980's.
I rode the whole 22km and saw one car, this is a good ride but not to be taken for granted as the surface isn't great and in some sections it gets no sun and green moss grows on the road and sticks and a thousand leaves are all over the road.
This was a major issues with the road and many vehicles easily slid, spun out.
Wet roads I don't mind but green mossy surface is scarey.
When I stopped to take a photo all I could here was birds and here I was standing on a dual lane road.
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Brought back memories, back then I was on a Yamaha XV750.
Into Bulahdelah and took the wrong road, so I headed back and grabbed some fuel and got directions from the nice lady in the servo, always try to spend money in these bypassed towns as they are doing it tuff with the new freeways.
Onto Booral rd to believe it or not a town called Booral.
Now this is a back road, bumpy as hell but again better than the hwy.
Goes over a mountain range and has 20km corners and was real fun to ride.
Took the photo below, loved the wire catch fence that had rusted off the poles, take it easy and all ok.

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Booral is on the Bucketts Way the road I started on and from there it was back to the sister in laws at Newcastle.
Great ride.
450 km's
Took about 7 hours
Fun factor 100%
GRiSO ran like a charm
Weather great.
Leanne bought a dress.
I bet it cost more than my fuel for the day but looks great.
And as we all know, if the wife is happy we are happy. Smile 

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Wife goes shopping and I go riding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1Tue May 13, 2014 5:22 am

Bucketts is a great road hindered by lack of upkeep. That whole area is so fucked by underground mining that it'll be hard to ever get the roads up to scratch. Add in frost, fuquetards and today's budget and its only going to get worse!

While the far south coast has limited roads they are almost universally good, at least the ones we don't tell anyone about are Very Happy.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Wife goes shopping and I go riding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1Tue May 13, 2014 2:24 pm

Top ride report Harry! Great pics too.


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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..
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Wife goes shopping and I go riding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1Tue May 13, 2014 9:18 pm

thats pretty country , Grisodude.. and thank you for sharing ..
I ve booked Wednesday May 14th off , temps should be in the high teens , taking the GRiSO out into the Rockies then the foothills to Turner Valley Alberta , where my friend Pauly has his bike shop , will BS a bit and have one of his wifes deadly burritos..Looking forward to riding the GRiSO for the first long ride this season (spring here) plus new tires to break in.
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Wife goes shopping and I go riding Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1Wed May 14, 2014 5:41 am

Doesn't get any better
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PostSubject: Re: Wife goes shopping and I go riding   Wife goes shopping and I go riding Icon_minitime1

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