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 Seeking to ID French Norgester

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3 posters
Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Bill Hagan

Posts : 1738
Join date : 2014-07-03

Seeking to ID French Norgester Empty
PostSubject: Seeking to ID French Norgester   Seeking to ID French Norgester Icon_minitime1Sat May 19, 2018 4:05 pm

Just back from a grand trip to Europe.

Along with five other Old Flatulent paratrooper buds, we visited airborne battlefields of WWII in France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany.  Inspiring and sobering.

As is my wont, I have way more pix than anyone would have any interest in, but I won't do that here … yet.  Rolling Eyes

OK, one:

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Instead, I am trying to ID the Norge pilot and pillion I spoke with on 9 May at the Aire de Vironvay rest area on the way from Paris to Normandy.

We chatted a bit about how cool Norge owners are.   cheers

I got his card but have, sadly but predictably, lost it.  Doh.  Embarassed

Anyway, I just wanted to thank them for their friendly chat and pass along some pix of them.  So, if anyone knows those nice Norge folks, thank them for me and give them the photo link.

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FWIW, I only saw two Guzzis on this trip.  One was that Norge; the other, a Jackal (?) in the Netherlands on our way to Nimegen.  LOTS of beemers, with all “other brands” a distinct minority.

I also saw two Guzzi dealers; the first in Carentan; the other in Saint-Lô.

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1921 … and 1944!

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Seeking to ID French Norgester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeking to ID French Norgester   Seeking to ID French Norgester Icon_minitime1Sat May 19, 2018 9:21 pm

Yeah, Guzzis are scarce even in France... Sad
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Age : 65

Seeking to ID French Norgester Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeking to ID French Norgester   Seeking to ID French Norgester Icon_minitime1Sat May 19, 2018 9:24 pm

Nice pics as usual, Bill, but did you not eat?

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“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart

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PostSubject: Re: Seeking to ID French Norgester   Seeking to ID French Norgester Icon_minitime1

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