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 Autumn excursion in NZ

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3 posters
Andy in NZ
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Andy in NZ

Posts : 137
Join date : 2014-02-15

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PostSubject: Autumn excursion in NZ   Autumn excursion in NZ Icon_minitime1Sun May 18, 2014 12:56 am

Autumn mornings are usually chill but clear, and the days warm, making the perfect recipe for a GRiSO excursion. I hadn’t been on a decent ride ride since buying the bike, so the scene was set.
I was due for a Saturday meeting in the Central Plateau region about 5 hours ride south of home, taking me from a surf town to a ski resort. Naturally I opted for the extended play version and left early Thursday. I stopped at Taupo Race Circuit to assist a friend with his senior high school physics class.
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Their practical assessment was to be strapped into various race-cars and video the pendulum swinging on the dash panel in front of them, then analyse the G forces attained. Who said physics was boring. Being the generous type I offered to pedal my friends Alfa Romeo saloon circuit car, while the students sat in the passenger seat, mobile devices at the ready. It was a very pleasant way to spend an autumn afternoon. The track was cold but the sun shining bright. A few days prior a Ferrari driver had come unstuck and died later in hospital after drifting into a rather solid tyre wall, despite our early concerns, the day went without a hitch. The lesson finished early and the track was vacant,  a sight way too tempting, so the GRiSO was exercised accordingly.

Friday dawned clear and crisp at 4deg C. With the day on offer, a roadie was on the cards. I rode 150kms to the east coast and stopped at Napier. The town was rebuilt in 1931 after a devastating earthquake and is now touted as the art deco capital of the world. All and sundry assemble there in Feb with their clobber, cars and bikes and celebrate the era. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I chose to ride an old stock route back inland. Quiet roads with terrific scenery and vistas. The only other bike in the 160kms was a 2 up Stelvio. I guess great minds think alike.
I stopped close to Mt Ruapehu, the largest of the 3 central volcanoes, and home to North Island ski activities. It makes a fitting back drop for the GRiSO in the photo. (hopefully the only photo I took appears here) [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

After 3 days and over 1000kms, I returned home Saturday evening after a few hours of night riding through fog, not my favourite. A whiskey in the spa pool soon sorted out the stiff joints, and plans for the lower foot pegs now a definite item.
All up a great ride and a great way to get acquainted with my new(ish) ride.
You guys should consider a kiwiland venture some day.
Andy in NZ
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Autumn excursion in NZ   Autumn excursion in NZ Icon_minitime1Mon May 19, 2014 12:26 am

Love red ones. Nice mountain too.
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PostSubject: Re: Autumn excursion in NZ   Autumn excursion in NZ Icon_minitime1Sat May 24, 2014 11:26 pm

Good read mate.
Back roads are my favorite roads too.
Top photo.

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