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 Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:33 pm

Lots of roller threads and posts, but I skimmed a few without seeing this specific question answered, tho I have no doubt it's here somewhere.  Apologies if dealt with ad nauseam.

So ... if someone (as someone from Richmond is, tomorrow, at Winchester Motor Sports) looking at an 2012 8v Norge, would said someone and be able to determine if it's been rollerized simply by popping a valve cover, or is something more extensive required?  

This one is on consignment and has no known service records.  Surely, too, running the VIN in the latest Guzzi system would say if done?  WMS is not a dealer and has no access.  The owner of the Norge is apparently clueless.

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GRiSO Capo
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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:02 pm

Hi Bill, This is what a roller tappet head looks like
Also, the rocker cover Earth Tab is secured under the 2 socket head cap screws in the center of the head, The earth tab on the Flat Tappet engines is secured under a cylinder head Nut

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Flat Tappet Head

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Last edited by waterbottle on Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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GRiSO Capo
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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:02 pm

Running the VIN is haphazard at best. If it's a true plated 2013 model, then it's highly likely to not be a flattie. Popping a valve cover is the only way to be sure.

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:52 am

Many thanks!

Very much appreciate that.

Mark, I was unclear; sorry. Only meant using the VIN in a Guzzi computer system to see if that unit had a service record at a dealer of having been rollerized or other service to justify "free" roller kit.

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GRiSO Capo
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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:13 pm

Hmm. Still probably no guarantee. If the previous owner did it themselves, or on their own dime?

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:27 pm

Yes, indeed.

I was at WMS when the prospective buyer came in. I also showed the pix, above.

Had to go pick up a grandkid for a "camp" at our house, so not sure how that turned out. The potential buyer was on an older but pristine beemer, so he may not fit in. Very Happy

That said, he seemed smitten by Norges and was not in full-beemeris ATGATT uniform, so there's hope. cheers

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:25 pm

I wonder how many have gone into a dealership and asked them to pull the engine apart

What sort of response did they get?

Salesman who knows nothing about Guzzi."you want me to WHAT?", "---- off"
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GRiSO Capo
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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:42 pm

Kiwi_Roy wrote:
I wonder how many have gone into a dealership and asked them to pull the engine apart

What sort of response did they get?

Salesman who knows nothing about Guzzi."you want me to WHAT?", "---- off"

I was looking at a 2012 last December. It was at a Guzzi dealership in NC. I asked if it was rollerized. He said he wasn't sure. I asked if he would take the valve cover off and send me a picture. He said he would. A day later he called and said it was not rollerized. I thanked him and hung up. There wer good enough to check and I guess they knew what they were looking for
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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:20 pm

Matt bought the red 2007, but think WMS did pull the 8v's valve cover, tho.

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Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not   Quick Way to Confirm 2012 CARC Engines as Rollerized or Not Icon_minitime1

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