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 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets

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Pete Roper
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:56 am

I've been looking for a GRiSO for a few months. I want a 8V, have test ridden it, and love it. I found this one:

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It is close to me (three hours from DC to Pittsburgh), but I haven't seen it in person. It looks different than every other 2009 I've seen with the black badges. I like the three spoke wheels and wave rotors. The price is much lower than others I've seen.

The big question: is it worth the roller conversion on a bike with 4,100 miles. I'm thinking of going to see it in person to check for any other flaws. I checked the VIN, and it looks like it has never been serviced, at least not by a shop that logs service.

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:03 am

If it's a genuine mileage, (Rather than a new dash.) then chances are you can buy it, rollerise it, and it will be great. (Usual other stuff.). It's unlikely to have done itself serious damage by that mileage. Not impossible, but unlikely.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:13 am

I searched for many months for a used 8V. And as usual, if the price was good the bike had some issues ... no issues and then a fairly high price.

I started looking US wide (cycletrader and searchtempest). Was seeing some great deals on new ones. My local dealer had one and surprisingly worked out a very good deal on it ... he actually matched the best deal I found. Shocker.

In my searching, I found a dealer in Greensboro, NC, as of ~2 weeks ago he had a Black Devil and Rosso ... price of $9995 (and then he adds ~$950 of fees on that).

I was seeing pretty clean ones with a price around $8500 with 6K-10K miles. So not a whole lot more money to get brand new with 2 yr warranty. And I like the new idea Smile ... new tires, new brakes, not messed up by anyone, etc.

As I've been running around on my brand new GRiSO I am soooooo happy I bought a new one! I don't even notice that my bank account has smaller numbers in it now. Laughing

So obviously my suggestion is to go new 8V!
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:31 am

I've been looking US wide too. Been trying to balance low miles/price/good condition/years 2013 (tappet issues fixed).

I have a 2007 BMW R1200R and a 2006 Triumph Daytona 675 now. Adding a lower priced GRiSO would be preferred, but not having to deal with tappets would be nice too. I don't really like the silver or burnt orange stripes of newer models, though I'm willing to paint.

I'm tempted to take a ride up to the Pittsburgh area this week to see it in person. That might be the swaying factor. I haven't seen any other 2009 models with the black badge. I feel like it has been aftermarket painted and rebadged, but can't confirm.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:49 am

I'm sure you are reading tons of info ... but seems the 2009 has the more complicated tappet -> roller conversion. Not sure what the labor charge is for that conversion. Also seems some guy's dealers aren't so helpful with getting a "free" kit from MG. Have you already got a good MG dealer lined up that has done these conversions before?

And some dealers get confused about an actual recall where MG updated from the original flat tappets to the DLC flat tappets (that still fail).

My suggestion is to either buy new or wait for a 2013+ to show up. Smile
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:53 pm

usedtobefast wrote:
I'm sure you are reading tons of info ... but seems the 2009 has the more complicated tappet -> roller conversion.  Not sure what the labor charge is for that conversion.  Also seems some guy's dealers aren't so helpful with getting a "free" kit from MG.  Have you already got a good MG dealer lined up that has done these conversions before?

And some dealers get confused about an actual recall where MG updated from the original flat tappets to the DLC flat tappets (that still fail).

My suggestion is to either buy new or wait for a 2013+ to show up.  Smile

I think you're right.  It hurts, but dealing with the tappet stuff probably isn't worth it. Such a pretty bike...
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GRiSO Capo
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:09 am

That's the same year/model that I bought, and I did the rollerization myself. I also had to fix an oil leak by removing the engine and gearbox and removing/replacing the rear main seal. (While I was at it I took everything apart and had the frame powered coated black). But it was totally worth it! Get the bike, you won't regret it!

I would check for oil leaks though, if you want to avoid the rear main seal job, which is a big one.
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GRiSO Capo
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:57 pm

i had to do my seal three times!, make sure you read what you have to do
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:39 pm

I followed Pete's instructions for the rear main seal (no gasket, thin smear of threebond, shorten the oil feed dowel by 1-2mm, reassemble with shorter bolts). So far (around 2k miles) it hasn't leaked another drop.

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GRiSO Capo
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:58 pm

There is a 2014 in the buy-sell section for 6k.
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:00 pm

I saw that one on cycle trader. It would be a lot easier to convince my wife to let me get a $4500 bike than a $6000 bike, but it is probably worth a DM to the owner.
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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:25 am

That one isn't going to work. It has a lien that can't be satisfied locally, and I'm not waiting around in Houston for however many days it takes that type of risky transaction.

I might call my local Guzzi dealer to check on the 2009 conversion.

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PostSubject: Re: 2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets   2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets Icon_minitime1

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2009 GRiSO - Low Price, but needs Tappets
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