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 Innovv K2 Dual Camera

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3 posters
Dave R
GRiSO Capo
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Dave R

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Join date : 2018-06-10

Innovv K2 Dual Camera Empty
PostSubject: Innovv K2 Dual Camera   Innovv K2 Dual Camera Icon_minitime1Wed 8 May - 8:25

As the driving round my neck of the woods seems to be deteriorating on a daily basis, I bought an Innovv K2 dual camera should the worst happen & I need something for the insurance company.  Initially, I was going to go for a GoPro or similar, but then I found this.  It's hard-wired into the bike & switches itself on ten seconds after the ignition is turned on.  You can set the recording loop from one to fifteen minutes.  Has a separate GPS unit, so that your location is tagged to the footage.  Fitted with a 256 gb SD card, it'll record 19 hours of footage.  You can download an app to your phone to preview live footage & recordings.

Really good footage quality -  not so good when uploaded to YouTube, but on my home laptop - cracking.  Customer service is spot-on as well

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This is a car pulling out from a side road in front of me - this happened my first time with it fitted - that would have been ironic !!
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And this is me going past a police speed camera van
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This is the live footage from both the front & rear cameras - ignore the date / time stamp - I had to do an update on the unit to reset it.  

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Innovv K2 Dual Camera Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innovv K2 Dual Camera   Innovv K2 Dual Camera Icon_minitime1Wed 8 May - 8:46

Ooh! Another geegaw!


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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Age : 60

Innovv K2 Dual Camera Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innovv K2 Dual Camera   Innovv K2 Dual Camera Icon_minitime1Wed 8 May - 8:55

thats a nice little unit!
just looked at website... mmmm click or not click scratch
AUD $500 here at the moment, but what cost proof??? (edit - that $ is third party Rolling Eyes AUD$338 direct)

great exhaust note there too btw
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Innovv K2 Dual Camera Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innovv K2 Dual Camera   Innovv K2 Dual Camera Icon_minitime1Wed 8 May - 9:20

Don't look at the eBay prices. Shocked

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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..
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PostSubject: Re: Innovv K2 Dual Camera   Innovv K2 Dual Camera Icon_minitime1

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