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 The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !

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The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Empty
PostSubject: The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !   The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Icon_minitime1Wed May 08, 2019 12:58 am

When I mentioned my 2008 GRiSO 8V tappet issues and roller conversion to a friend with a KTM 990 he replied:

" Wow.. that's so KTM 990 !. The flat tappets in my bike have exactly the same problem (the coating chips off and wears the cams away). KTM's fix in the version 2 LC8 engine (1190, 1190, 1290) was.....
roller rockers !

No happy ending for my bike unfortunately. I have to pull the engine out and inspect them every 15-30k  because there's no retrofit roller kit for my 990 engine!

Most owners as soon as they get news of this, they sell their bike. I'm one of a few that are happy to deal with it."

Have you seen the DRAMA inspecting and/or replacing the KTM tappets compared to the sheer *ease* of the GRiSO 8V engine ... it's days/weeks instead of a few hours.

Last edited by techman-001 on Wed May 08, 2019 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !   The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Icon_minitime1Wed May 08, 2019 3:58 am

so DLC = Doesn't Like Cams??? Razz Razz
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The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !   The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Icon_minitime1Wed May 08, 2019 6:50 am

The mainstream motorcycle press very rarely mention these problems, and there are plenty out there, obviously not wanting to upset their advertising cash cows.
I wrote to UK Bike magazine when they published a second hand buying guide to Grisos and did not mention the tappet issue and got zero response. So it is down to the forums and social media in general to keep the manufacturers honest.

KTM have probably had more re issues over recent years than Guzzi and from talking to a few owners are getting a reputation for unreliability.
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The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !   The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues ! Icon_minitime1

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The GRiSO 8V isn't the only brand with DLC flat tappet issues !
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