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 Removing display for new blinker

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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:14 am

Hi all, long time Guzzi owner but this is my first modern one (other bike is currently an 86' Le Mans 1000). Loving it so far but sorting out a few small issues on this 2009 8V. Left side front blinker stock was broken off so I ordered a replacement. It appears the connector plugs in underneath the display somewhere. I've taken out every fastener I can find on the display and chrome plastic surround but cannot get to the back side. Figuring I am missing something silly and this shouldn't be too difficult... Any advice or instructions would be great so I don't break anything! Thanks.
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Pete Roper
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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:16 pm

Blinker connectors are just behind the steering head from memory. Try pulling off the left 'Wing' and seeing if you can see it. If not it'll be tank off.

2009 eh? Has it been rollerised?

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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:31 pm

Good (scary) question Pete. I just purchased the bike or more like acquired it through a family friend. No history on it, service records etc. 6,500 miles on the clock. Ran horrible when I first picked it up, changed the plugs and wires and she runs like a top.

Only put a few miles on it since but thinking I should take it apart to inspect before too many more miles goes by. Also I have heard a MG dealer may be able to look up to see if its been rollerised using the VIN. Any truth to that? Would not want to learn the hard way as the bike is pretty mint all things considered.
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Pete Roper
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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:53 pm

Pull off a rocker cover and look, (Read up on how to safely remove the plug caps before attempting this.). Chances are it won't of been rollerised but at such a low mileage the failure will probably not be far advanced. Make no mistake though, it will fail. There are no exceptions. The earlier you rectify it the lower the chance of there being further problems.

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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:58 pm

Thanks for the advice Pete, much appreciated. I'll take a look this evening.
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Pete Roper
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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:10 pm

Note that you cannot see any damage occurring by just taking off the rocker cover. All it allows you to do is ascertain if the engine has been rollerised or not. To inspect the tappets you have to pull the cambox.

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GRiSO Capo
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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:40 pm

On a lighter note, the front blinker connectors are up inside the dash lower cover. They're a massive pain to get at. I suggest cutting the current wires as close to the old blinker assembly as possible, and make your own connection.

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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:49 am

If you are replacing blinker with stock one (and as long as you are careful !); you can just retain the original wiring and connect it inside the blinker. Just take apart the old one - the plastic bits will likely break but that's how you'll learn how to do it without breaking them on the new one Wink; disconnect inside and remove indicator; slide wiring into new one and rebuild plastic bits w/out breaking.

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Removing display for new blinker Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:46 am

Thanks all, I ended up managing to fish the connector out from inside the dash and plugged in the new one. I was surprised to see all the connectors just floating around behind the dash but hey, it works!
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PostSubject: Re: Removing display for new blinker   Removing display for new blinker Icon_minitime1

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