GRiSO ghetto
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 For when the weather turns.

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Posts : 178
Join date : 2014-05-20

For when the weather turns. Empty
PostSubject: For when the weather turns.   For when the weather turns. Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:18 am

I need to do the swingarm and headstock grease. Still factory.

Space is tight, and I’d like to avoid buying any more tools that get used twice and sit.

So I’m asking for a slick and simple one-man setup. Lift, support, secure.

Grazie Mille.
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Join date : 2017-11-09

For when the weather turns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: For when the weather turns.   For when the weather turns. Icon_minitime1Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:57 am

I posted my wooden stand here earlier
2 6 x 2 side plates, its extremely solid and easy to use.
A regular 6 x 2 board is much stiffer than plywood
To remove the swing arm you need to remove the LH foot-peg bracket before fitting the side plates.

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The half inch pipe fits through the Luigi hole. Note: 1/2" pipe is more like 3/4" OD
My bike came with a washer welded in each side, a touch with a rat-tail file made the hole big enough for the pipe but you might have to adapt yours with a sleeve e.g. length of PVC pipe so it doesn't impinge on the chrome plastic decoration bits.
The ready rod and nuts tie it together, I used 1/2" but 1/4" would be adequate.

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It takes me about 30 seconds to get the bike from prop stand to rear wheel in the air.
Step 1 assemble plates while on the side stand
Step 2 pivot bike upright one hand on the bar, the other under seat
Step 3 slide the 3 x 3 block under the short plate with your foot

To get it down again just lift the bike and kick the block out.

Note: The large rectangular hole in the LH plate uncovers the swing arm pivot bolt (side plate removed)
I should add I'm not very strong but its easy to lift the bike pivoting on the RH plate.

This probably looks a bit shaky but it was very solid when I needed to pull both wheels for a tire change
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Posts : 178
Join date : 2014-05-20

For when the weather turns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: For when the weather turns.   For when the weather turns. Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:36 pm

Very cool thanks!
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For when the weather turns. Empty
PostSubject: Re: For when the weather turns.   For when the weather turns. Icon_minitime1

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For when the weather turns.
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