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 Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme

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GRiSO Capo
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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:27 pm

Trying to decide if this Tenni Brown Color seat would work well with my Red/Black GRiSO color scheme.

1/2 of me says it will look odd to combine Brown and Black, but it's unique enough to be interesting at least.

1/2 of me says it would look cool, but since the seat is basically an original with no improvement in the foam structure, perhaps I should just build out a Corbin, spend a bit more and get the right color scheme.

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Opinions on the color match with Red/Black GRiSO?
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PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:38 pm

Just my opinion: stick with black.

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GRiSO Capo
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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:51 pm


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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:08 pm

That settles it...Brown doesn't match with Black...thanks for the photoshop.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:47 pm

If you decide on the Tenni seat, you can get it here for less than half that Ebay price.
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Florida lime
Florida lime

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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:53 pm

zebraranger wrote:
If you decide on the Tenni seat, you can get it here for less than half that Ebay price.
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Thanks for that link. I've thought about having a new seat on hand for mine, and trying to get my stock one modified to give me another inch of height added to the rider section. I'd want it to look stock at a glance, otherwise I would just do a Corbin.

MUCH better price than that Ebay link ! Wink
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:06 pm

Well how interesting! Great find Zebra!! What a difference in pricing!

At that price I could just ride up to Austin for lunch one day and see it in person if they had it in stock...

I wonder if I could get them to make it in a different color scheme.
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Pete Roper
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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:36 pm

The only difference between the Tenni seat and other 1200 seats is the covering and the fact the squab is in fact the one used on 1100's! If you want the Tenni seat with a different covering just keep your eyes open for a seat off a wrecked 1100 and get it recovered.

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PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:37 am

I have a MotO.K. seat cover on my stock GRiSO saddle. From Greece, very inexpensive, very well made, and the perfect thing for a custom look. Several options available as well as custom features. The catalog says it fits 850 and 1100 Grisos - It fits the 1200 perfectly as well.


The seat cover has a textured panel on the top and smooth sides. The red stitching really compliments other red accents on the Diavolo Nero.

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Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:01 pm your saying that a 2009 Tenni SE seat will fit a 2015 SE model year ?
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PostSubject: Re: Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme   Tenni Brown seat on Rosso Diavolo Trophy Red/Black scheme Icon_minitime1

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