Subject: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:49 pm
Not been in a forum for an age, but found this one and thought Id join. I bought this old tug pretty recently, shes covered about 40,000 miles, most of them in winter by the look of it.
My guzzi experiance, I have owned about 30, currently own a 56 zigolo 98, a 67 Dingo GT, a 71 Nuovo Falcone & a 72 V7 loop in a very bad way ALso a 17 enfield bullet, a 56 Matchless 350, a 94 r1100rt I commute on, an 86 R80GS waiting resto, a 1981 FXR Shovelhead 5 speeder and the wife rides a 2003 Yamaha Bulldog 1100.
The GRiSO…...…...Wheels in a bad way, paint pickling off due to salt damage, pulled them, stripped blasted and powder coated to match the silver frame, new bearings seals and valves. Bike had a zard silencer, I don't know the bike and like to start from scratch, so found a stock silencer and have fitted that. popped a givi flyscreen on I had for years also, looks ok.
Gave her a good service, found the sump drain stripped, so helicoiled that, while sump off found emulsification in the oil, pulled the valve covers to set the valves, all quite slack, lots more yoghurt in there too. replaced the 4 plugs, the little ones have never been out. Cleaned the calipers up, all free so no problems there.
NOW then, Fired her up, not a great starter, spins ok, no concerns there but takes a while to fire up, a bit of gas helps but if left to ide while cold, cuts out. A service invoice from around a year ago was followed with a second one a few weeks later for investigating poor starting, diagnosed as low fuel pressure due to a blocked filter. I suspect a weak pump so will look at how to test pressure in this one. ALSO, bottom end sounds a bit rattly on tickover, not clutch related, tickover at 1000rpm.
. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] . I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up.. .
Street L'Innominato
Posts : 3459 Join date : 2013-05-30 Age : 65
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:09 am
Sounds like you know what you're doing, Toastmuncher. Welcome to the Ghetto and congrats on your "new" GRiSO!
Pete (Street)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:21 am
Well done! The yellow is fantastic!
Pete Roper GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10811 Join date : 2013-05-30 Age : 67
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:06 am
I had a yella one! I like yella.
1,000 rpm idle is too low. It sounds like someone has farted about with the throttle stop screw because they thought it was idling 'Too fast'. That's a common problem.
The target idle is hard coded into the ecu, it is changeable but only within the map. Before you go any further I suggest you get Guzzidiag or equivalent, (Although none of the other available options are as good as Guzzidiag.) and connect, along with a manometer, and see what the TPS reading is. Also check to see if the throttle stop screw has been messed with, it should be sealed with paint.
The TPS should read 4.6, + or - 0.2 and only one of the air bleeds should be open. If the TPS reading is not 4.6 let us know before you start fiddling with stuff and we can probably advise you on how to proceed.
Toastmuncher Montanarolo
Posts : 22 Join date : 2020-03-21
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:59 am
Thanks all, an early start in the workshop, 5 AM, its mothers day here so tinker time will be limited today, anyway, early start, all back together and a quick polish up with some snaps taken for me to look at while performing the 'Mothers Day Breakfast'. I am pleased with the bike, looks a treat, the exhaust headers are going to need a fair bit of elbow grease, there seems to be a bit of an oil trickle from the Oil Pressure Light Switch? So that will need attention at some point. Thanks for the info ref the idle being buggered about with by a gorilla with a toolbox, the bike sounds as though its knocking the bottom end out, but increase the idle to 1100ish on the throttle and shes sweet, I may just increase it on the idle adjuster, as its been tampered with anyway, and see how she goes. Heres some pics. 'Id forgotten what a pain in the ass it is getting pics onto a forum, I remember some where you had to use photobucket etc, jeez, spolt nowadays we are eh?'
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:31 am
No! DO NOT touch the idle stop screw at this point! At the moment it may be an easy fix. If you start buggering about with it you will fuck it completely!
Toastmuncher Montanarolo
Posts : 22 Join date : 2020-03-21
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:03 am
I uploaded the wrong pic somehow, but Ill leave it up, my 1971 Nuovo Falcone 500, I rode it as an army bike until it got SOOOOO rusty I had to sort it. No paint on it, its all powder coated, Including the wheels.
Toastmuncher Montanarolo
Posts : 22 Join date : 2020-03-21
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:04 am
Bike looks great! I hope you can get your low-idle-issue sorted. The technically-gifted guys on this forum (so not me) will be able to help you with that!
A good pickup mate. Looks as though she hasn't been given much in the way of TLC by the previous owner. I look forward to further posts as you resurrect her inmnards.
Nice bike indeed. My daughter lives in Monmouth so might see you on the road one day. Can't miss a yellow one!
I'm no Guzzi expert by far. This forum helps a great deal!
Got my GRiSO 1100 late last year and so far due to the UK weather and current lockdown have only covered about 20 miles on it. Plenty of time to bring it up to scratch in the meantime.
Also had a tick over problem. On cold start up and idle all was fine but when it was warm it would go up to 1500/1800 rpm on idle. Turned out that both the air bleed screws were open. Closed both and slowly opened one, now all is fine. Have not set it up with the Guzzidiag as yet but intend to.
Parkertron Squinternotto
Posts : 5 Join date : 2020-05-03
Subject: Finding a GRiSO ! Sun May 03, 2020 10:28 pm
Hello all, I’m new to the group, and I’ve joined primarily, because I’ve wanted GRiSO for a while, and I’m pretty much there with funds now! I’ll after a 2013 plate or later, black, in good nick! Anyone know where there one going, dealer or private? Any help or advice is much appreciated. I’m in the southwest of the UK, in Devon, in Plymouth.
paulbrice GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1538 Join date : 2015-01-04 Age : 63
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Mon May 04, 2020 10:32 am
They usually appear on-line for dealers and private so I'd keep your eyes on all the normal sites.....ebay Uk currently has about 5-6 2009/2010 ones with no declared rollerisation; which you should avoid OR add £1,000 to the cost (if you DIY)
Parkertron Squinternotto
Posts : 5 Join date : 2020-05-03
Subject: GRiSO Mon May 04, 2020 11:45 am
Yes, have been doing that and avoiding said adverts, which is why I’m looking fora 2013, or later model( black devil), with spokes!!
Parkertron Squinternotto
Posts : 5 Join date : 2020-05-03
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Mon May 04, 2020 11:46 am
Are there any particular dealers I should be keeping an eye on, that you could recommend ?
paulbrice GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1538 Join date : 2015-01-04 Age : 63
Subject: Re: Cheap bikes eh? Hello from Wales. Mon May 04, 2020 4:00 pm
Doncaster seems to have sold quite a few in the past, but pretty much all dealers promote on ebay/autotrader/ based on chopped in for part-ex or maybe just bought in.....there aren't any/many specialising in used guzzis so they seem to be randomly dispersed. You probably know all this but also is good for more discerning sellers with straight priced bikes & some description of the 'love' spent (I sold my BMW R850R there )....don't know about UK Moto Guzzi owners club (left after bad experience as local branch was worse than WI - in fact WI probably more interested in riding bikes !).
For the 2009/2010 ones on ebay you could try phoning up the dealers and asking if they have documented rollerisation on the service sheets (just be careful as 'replacement tappets and cams' meant same old flat ones for quite a while).....Apart from the white one at Grimsby, I can't believe they have got to post 15k miles without major wear
Parkertron Squinternotto
Posts : 5 Join date : 2020-05-03
Subject: Looking for GRiSO Mon May 04, 2020 4:16 pm
Hi Paul, Cheers for the reply Bud, I’ve been looking for a while, well keeping my eyes open, but now I’m sort of , properly looking!! If it takes a while to find the right bike, so be it, it’s always worth being a little cautious I feel!! I did think about the Guzzi owners club, but I know what you mean there, I left the Triumph Scrambler club, for the same reasons!! Thanks again fella