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 Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO

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Posts : 26
Join date : 2014-05-18
Age : 46

Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Empty
PostSubject: Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO   Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:28 am

From Dec 2013 until end of April 2014, Ula and I did a motorcycle tour on a Royal Enfield Classic 500cc around parts of Nepal and India; around 10000km of riding and 200km of trekking. Few of our experiences and photos are shared at I still have around 4 photo essays to complete which I will do so sometime this month.
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Age : 64

Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO   Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:47 am

A mate at work did a trip like yours last year.
Said the Enfiield was OK but the roads got a big minus from him.

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Posts : 26
Join date : 2014-05-18
Age : 46

Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO   Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:21 am

The roads in the more improvised parts of India such as Bihar and UP were appalling. At places, the road exists only on maps. On the way to the highly popular and busy Indo-Nepal border crossing town of Raxaul, the 6 lane motorway we were on, just completely disappeared some 40 km before the crossing. But it disappeared in a very precise clean line, there was road and traffic doing good speed and then bang gone; there was a side dirt track and it took us a good 3 hours to do 40 odd km. There were days when it took us 8 to 10 hours to do 200km, just spine shattering smooth roads all the way. Ula was squeaking on every bump and was considerably bruised. However, once past Delhi and into Rajasthan it was wonderful roads with superb landscape. We took a myriad of state and national highways and it was smooth sailing from there all the way to South India. Also, there was a lot of over bridge construction going on to bypass smaller towns and cities, as a result there were a lot of detours and you quite can't maintain speed and given the fact that everyone is aiming their steering wheel towards you makes it just a bit more dramatic.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO   Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO Icon_minitime1

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Recent tour, though not on a GRiSO
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