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 Beautiful day in the Northwest US

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Join date : 2013-05-29
Age : 65

Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:46 pm

It's a beautiful day here in the NW, hottest day of the year so far topping out at 91 in the city and 97 east of the mountains. After our monthly Guzzi Breakfast in Enumclaw on Saturday Esther and I will be leaving on our Alaska/Canada tour, catching the Alaskan Ferry in Bellingham at 3:00 on Saturday afternoon and arriving in Juneau at 8:00am next Tuesday. We'll spend the rest of next week there in order to attend two days of events (July 11th and 12th) related to my latest project that we installed there last week. Then we'll catch another ferry to Haines, Alaska where we'll begin our journey home via the AlCan Highway to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, down into British Columbia and Alberta through Jasper and Banff, and crossing back into the States around Glacier National Park in Montana and riding our favorite, Lolo Pass, from east to west for the first time.

So today we did a little warm-up ride, Esther on her California 1400 and I on the GRiSO Rosso (2007-1100). Since both bikes have just gotten new shoes and fresh fluids and the weather was perfect we decided to travel one of our go-to loops, a 300 mile round-trip over Chinook Pass to Eastern Washington, through the Yakima Canyon and back over Snoqualmie Pass. It just never gets old and being the middle of the week the traffic was extremely light. And I managed to spot the coppers before they spotted me so it was just a perfect day.

I'll write a ride report with pictures of the AlCan Tour when we get back later in July. Happy Trails!

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Mount Rainier

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Esther arrives at the summit of Chinook Pass

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Coffee stop at Snoqualmie Pass
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Join date : 2013-11-26
Age : 61

Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:03 pm

Very good riding.
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Join date : 2013-05-28
Age : 59

Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:11 pm

Beautiful pictures Pete. Would have loved to have joined you guys, but moving and World Cup kept me busy all day.

Yakima River Canyon midweek, yummy!

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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Join date : 2013-07-02
Age : 63

Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:51 am

+1 on the ride.
Love the first photo of the mountain, awesome shot.
The bikes a good as well.

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Canyon Carver
Canyon Carver

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Join date : 2014-06-13
Age : 74

Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:15 pm

Great pictures guys. The best scenery up that way. Looking forward to your pics from the Alaska adventure! I have cruised Alaska with family, but never taken the bike trek. I envy your journey.
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Beautiful day in the Northwest US Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beautiful day in the Northwest US   Beautiful day in the Northwest US Icon_minitime1

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Beautiful day in the Northwest US
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