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 A Tale of Two Grisos

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:43 am

Living in Phoenix means whining and complaining about summer weather.  This is the excuse I'll be using for my limited riding this summer... Razz 

Even so, when the weather allows, as it has this last week, I've been commuting to work on the GRiSO.  It's a 12mile  romp each way of city/hwy driving that will hopefully provide a good break-in for the powerplant.  Plenty of lights and traffic that will allow me to run up and down through the gears several times during the commute.

My first commutes were squidly affairs as I learned how to manage the throttle response at low speeds.  The GRiSO just didn't seem to enjoy parades.  Really who does?  Especially those 10mph (strictly enforced by radar) parking lot speed limits at the office.  

So fast forward to today when I finally remembered to put on some ear-plugs.  What a difference! Yes, one doesn't get to listen to the whole effect of that wonderful burble, but the underlying rumble one feels throughout the body.  There was something so much more refined about the ride.  The GRiSO was less a wild animal and more my wild animal.  Simply loved it!

While my commute will never compare to a fun romp through the twisties, doing it on the GRiSO elevates it above the mundane. I may even look forward to going to work...

Oh, obligatory pic (this one my wife captured and edited on iphone):
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by jlgomez42, on Flickr
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Enzo the baker
Enzo the baker

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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:24 pm

Hey suck it up! I rode to Payson this morning for breakfast. Left Gilbert at 7:00, kind of cool it was. Ate at the Beeline, left Payson at 8:45, warm but not hellish. Got to the bottom of the hill at 9:30 and it was like a mobile sauna all the way home. I feel ya'
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:39 pm

Yeah, the morning ride isn't bad at all.  It was in the low 90's this AM.  It's the afternoon ride home that I'm leery of.  The first time riding home at 112*F was ok.  Until I stopped at a light.  Then I was instantly drenched in sweat.  

I'm thinking I might avoid anything above 105*F.  There are better ways to get some riding in than commuting  Suspect  to somewhere I'd rather not be anyway in "let's fry an egg on the sidewalk" weather.
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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:46 pm

if it's 2.5hrs or less I wear my phase change chemical vest.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which I have owned since 2003. 20 minutes in ice water gives you 2.5hrs, or about 30 minutes in the freezer you are cool 65 degrees for 2.5hrs of riding under a leather jacket (mesh will reduce that time).
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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:14 pm

I'd take 105 over 25.. just saying...  Rolling Eyes 
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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:01 am

As a rule I don't commute on the bikes. 17 miles of running the gauntlet, odds stacked against me (Phoenix, from Deer Valley airport to Downtown). But due to car repairs I've done it with the Quota (not too bad, but it was cold!), on the GRiSO (way too hot at stop - it was summer time) and not much better while running and it just felt like too much bike for the job. So I switched to the 650L, much better choice.

Since I need to haul crap from time to time my car is really the only practical choice I have; and it's a cage. And has AC. Smile I'll take cold over heat any day. But then I have a better skill set dealing with cold.

We're going to have to try and get another gather of the GRiSO' up at the Grotto in Cave Creek. See if we can't break our old record. Don't forget the Datil New Mexico Rally August 14th, 15th 16th and 17th.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:09 am

I hear you about the commute.  I would never consider commuting to Downtown Phoenix on a bike.  My commute is from far west Ahwatukee into Chandler (near Chandler Blvd & Kyrene).  About 17miles each way.  It's Pecos Rd and a little 202 sprinkled with surface streets.  

The Rally sounds fun, but we're already committed to do a MINI Cooper run with the local club that weekend.  It's called "Twist & Shout" and it's the run up (and down) Hwy 191 (formerly known as Hwy 666).  Smile
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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:35 am

You are also a good drive from the grotto. This fall when things cool down we'll arrange something.
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PostSubject: Re: A Tale of Two Grisos   A Tale of Two Grisos Icon_minitime1

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