Subject: An annoying clutch issue??? Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:02 am
A few weeks ago I went for a ride and went to overtake a truck, and she started slipping the clutch. Went through Picton and up the back blocks and everything was normal again. No trouble since... I did remove the clutch lever and the actuation pin was loose, so tightened it up again.
Today I rode the old girl to work, no issues. Coming home started clutch slipping in 6th gear at around 4,000 rpm - yes I was flogging it along the freeway at around $1.20 ish. Clutch was on a hair trigger and was as hard as, indicating something was not right, a really heavy clutch and no progression at all. Thinking the worst, I just cruised (very hard to do when you are used to riding hard on good roads. Came off the freeway and came to a turn off where I went down to 2nd gear (bloody slow corners), went up through the gears and everything felt good again, clutch progressive and no slip. Curiouser and curiouser!
Any thoughts Peoples?
I do have cheap Chinese knock-off shorty levers and I did notice some wear in the pivot hole when I was adjusting the actuation pin, but this should ease the load not make it worse. I intend (when I get around to it) to get some Pazzo levers but not yet. I do have the original clutch fluid is in there (Ok, OK 13 years old I have good value out of it) and will change it this weekend if I get the chance (castigation welcome, but I am a tight arse by nature) - I like to get my money's worth. And I probably have.
Pete Roper GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10626 Join date : 2013-05-29 Age : 67
Subject: Re: An annoying clutch issue??? Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:18 am
You've answered your own question I think Tony. If the plunger on the lever had come loose I'd suggest a bit of judicious 'Playing' with the plunger to ensure when shit is hot it still has free play.
Also I'm going to be posting up a warning about available plates for the twin plater shortly. How many Km on your beast? It might be clutch time.
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Oz1200Guzzi Don Abbondio
Posts : 6084 Join date : 2014-03-13 Age : 69
Subject: Re: An annoying clutch issue??? Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:01 am
140,000 km Pete, barely used...
GuzziSteve Fra Cristoforo
Posts : 807 Join date : 2016-04-14
Subject: Re: An annoying clutch issue??? Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:19 am
Last time I changed fluid in my Cal2 Sidecar rig was 93, Tony. I have changed the reservoir fluid but not bled it out. Master piston was sticking when all the way in, so I quit bleeding it. I have a master kit now but it's a bit PIA w/hack there. I have to spit it apart one of these days.
I'd use some epoxy on the pin once you have gap w/hot. Like Pete says.
Oz1200Guzzi Don Abbondio
Posts : 6084 Join date : 2014-03-13 Age : 69
Subject: Re: An annoying clutch issue??? Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:00 pm
Flushed clutch system this morning - fluid was quite dark, now quite light (Castrol Dot4). Remembered I had a new lid and rubber gasket for it so the old girl got a bit of a tart up too. Old cap was corroding and had been for years (like about 8!). I might paint it some garish colour and call it a gee gaw - then again I might not.
A ride this coming week will tell if I am successful, or not.
Sanity says I should do my brake systems too. Maybe I just will - they too have been in an untouched state since I purchased the bike new. Yes 13 years.
Mmmm clutch slippage in top gear when overtaking...... Reminds me of something... oh yeah, Big Red has the same issue. Was diagnosed as weeping oil inside the bell housing.... which after attention, seems to be the main seal.....
Thanks! I've just tried adjusting the lever with the dial but I haven't ridden it since (it's in the shop for spark plug caps). I'll look at the "level plunger" when I get it back.