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 removing sump and spacer

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removing sump and spacer Empty
PostSubject: removing sump and spacer   removing sump and spacer Icon_minitime1Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:53 am

I have the sump off the engine and the 4 bolts on the spacer plate. But the plate still seems tight on the exhaust (left)side of the engine. It seems as though the side stand is fastened to the spacer. I took one bolt out of the side stade but that was no help. The shop manual doesn't say anything about the side stand but they already have the engine out of the bike in their illustration. What am I missing??
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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removing sump and spacer Empty
PostSubject: Re: removing sump and spacer   removing sump and spacer Icon_minitime1Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:40 am

Yeah, if my failing memory serves me right, its the side stand.

And, I believe the LH exhaust header is removed for access. I reused the existing gaskets and seals with no issue.
You could replace them if you have a set handy.

After firing up my three remaining brain cells I remember the nuts on both headers were not so tight.
I removed them cleaned 'em, used nickel anti-seize and torqued per manual spec.
They are now a regular check service item.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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removing sump and spacer Empty
PostSubject: Re: removing sump and spacer   removing sump and spacer Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:23 pm

Also the bottom mount for the oil cooler screws into the spacer.

Best download the manual?
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PostSubject: Re: removing sump and spacer   removing sump and spacer Icon_minitime1

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