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 '09 O-ring replacement -- spark plug tube

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'09 O-ring replacement -- spark plug tube Empty
PostSubject: '09 O-ring replacement -- spark plug tube   '09 O-ring replacement -- spark plug tube Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:09 pm

After taking counsel from my bettors I changed the O-rings (#9 in the picture) on the left head spark plug tunnel. It was easy to do with the help of a set of dental picks from Harbor Freight.  I used the recommended O-ring grease but did not try the three-bond.  I am keeping that in reserve if this does not take.

Everything was carefully cleaned and scrubbed before reinstallation and I hope it stops the annoying weeping onto my left boot.

Interestingly the replacement Stucchi crash bars allowed me to remove the valve cover with them in place.  With the originals I had to loosen them to do valve adjustments and such.

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'09 O-ring replacement -- spark plug tube
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