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 Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona

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PostSubject: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:43 pm


I purchased Warren Rhen’s 2011 Tenni Green 1200 SE about a month ago and have been combing through the forum here for information, especially on suspension upgrades. I currently own four Guzzi’s, three of which are in Michigan, with the GRiSO being the winter ride while we’re in Arizona. I was initially looking for a smaller bike but was fairly surprised at how easy it was wrangle the GRiSO, even with two of us aboard.

The suspension, however, is another matter and the Matris R rear shock and the fork cartridges are on order via GTMoto. They should be here in another two to three weeks. My gal Zee and I were nearly beaten to death on our first two-up ride on lousy Arizona back roads. I currently have nearly 70mm of rider sag at the rear even when riding solo. Needless to say the 800 pound rate Racetech spring and stock shock aren’t up to the task. (No fat jokes, please.) Overall, I really like the bike and the modifications that were done to it; lowered pegs, bigger windscreen, heated grips. Arizona is a great place to ride, but in these winter months the temperatures can suck the heat right out of ya’. Once the suspension is dialed in I’ll probably have a local seat shop do a custom two-up saddle for it, but first we have to ride it a bit to see if that is really necessary.

It’s been odd to have a few folks stop dead in their tracks as I’ve been waiting at traffic lights and holler, “That’s a gorgeous bike.” (Big behind-the-helmet smile.) I have to agree, I love the Tenni green, which is similar to my custom Ambassador with its forest green body and buckskin tan saddle, to which more than a few Harley riders have genuflected in admiration. (Think 1955 Buick Roadmaster.)

Best Wishes to all and thanks for all the information,

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Last edited by GuzziLooper on Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:54 pm



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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:50 am

Greetings GuzziLooper
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:35 am

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:20 pm

Welcome to the Ghetto, Tom!

Pete (Street)

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“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart

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Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
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Bill Hagan

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:56 am

GuzziLooper wrote:

I purchased Warren Rhen’s 2011 Tenni Green 1200 SE about a month ago and have been combing through the forum here for information, especially on suspension upgrades. I currently own four Guzzi’s, three of which are in Michigan, with the GRiSO being the winter ride while we’re in Arizona. I was initially looking for a smaller bike but was fairly surprised at how easy it was wrangle the GRiSO, even with two of us aboard.

The suspension, however, is another matter and the Matris R rear shock and the fork cartridges are on order via GTMoto. They should be here in another two to three weeks. My gal Zee and I were nearly beaten to death on our first two-up ride on lousy Arizona back roads. I currently have nearly 70mm of rider sag at the rear even when riding solo. Needless to say the 800 pound rate Racetech spring and stock shock aren’t up to the task. (No fat jokes, please.) Overall, I really like the bike and the modifications that were done to it; lowered pegs, bigger windscreen, heated grips. Arizona is a great place to ride, but in these winter months the temperatures can suck the heat right out of ya’. Once the suspension is dialed in I’ll probably have a local seat shop do a custom two-up saddle for it, but first we have to ride it a bit to see if that is really necessary.

It’s been odd to have a few folks stop dead in their tracks as I’ve been waiting at traffic lights and holler, “That’s a gorgeous bike.” (Big behind-the-helmet smile.) I have to agree, I love the Tenni green, which is similar to my custom Ambassador with its forest green body and buckskin tan saddle, to which more than a few Harley riders have genuflected in admiration. (Think 1955 Buick Roadmaster.)

Best Wishes to all and thanks for all the information,

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Yes, welcome, GL ... & Zee.

The latter is a brave lass to ride two up on a GRiSO.  My Kathi has logged tens of thousands of happy miles on our EV and Norge, but has only earned one combat patch for a brief "Take me home NOW!" local romp on the GRiSO.  queen Shocked

Your "1955 Buick Roadmaster" got me to looking; there went 15 minutes.  A fun search down memory lane, so not "wasted."  But never could get a good match in my memory or on the web.  Likely missed it.  OTOH, did see this '29 Packard:

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Perhaps you could add whitewalls to your GRiSO?  That should really appeal to the Harleyists.  cheers

1921 - 2021!

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PostSubject: Re: Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona   Greetings from Green Valley, Arizona Icon_minitime1

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