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 20,000 mile service

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PostSubject: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:29 am

I just got home from Pro Italia where they did a once over on my 1100 G and I am very pleased with how nice it is running.
The tech said they updated the ECU flash (it was 3 updates behind) and I like it plenty.
They also found out my left front engine mount bolt is missing. WTF???
Are there Gremlins in my garage?
So a new one is one order.
I am wondering if this missing bolt is making the noise that I took to be an exhaust leak? I will find out soon enough.

Annnndddddd, the wife and I did some window shopping for Triples.
She REALLY likes the MV Brutale 800.
I am so glad to see her tastes getting the appropriate shift into Euro-Snobbery.
Speaking of which.... We had some croissants and mocha's at Berolina Café just up the street from Pro Italia.
OMG that was yummy!!!!!!!
I could really get comfortable in Montrose. Why do I live in the Victor Valley?????

Finally I want to Thank the Pro Italia guys for doing a good job. I am quite happy with my Black Terror.
And I let them know that GRiSO Ghetto exists. They had no idea.
I am once again Corrupting the World.

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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:27 am

Glad to hear you're getting good service out of them. I may reconsider using them.
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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:38 pm

I am also a HUGE fan of Sean of RTL Moto but his in Santa Ana.
(I once worked with Sean and he is a good guy. I trust him with my bike)

Pro Italia is the closest dealership to me that speaks "GRiSO"
(I live way out in Victorville)
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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:17 am

the triple mvs having ridden them all the 675 is probably the best balanced and best bike overall, the dragster is pure fun but there is no sliding back on the seat when ya need to (cause it aint there) but for my money the winner is the rivale... the perfect blend of fun and total stupidity...I am personally waiting on the turismo veloche be here this fall, next spring...the only thing with the new mvs that is a must is to get the evap can out of them.

(it is in the tank) and if it cracks it floods the case with gas and washes the bearings, have seen more than one do this now. you never know either the fuel runs down the vent lines into the throttle bodies and into the head fills the cyl and seeps into the case then on start up iits all over

the only other thing you have to know and this is uber important, do not touch the throttle when you start one and let it idle about 20 seconds before you touch the throttle, it learns the fuel characteristics at every start and if you blip during the learn period they run pretty bad till you re-start.

I am diggin the new mv triples every year the new mvs are better their fueling is now fantastic, if ya get an older one just have the original map installed and run 100% 93 oct and it will not have any issues the eth is the big problem here in the US
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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:03 am

The Rivale is the one that caught our eye.
I was talking to Jason (sales guy at the Pro italia Guzzi show room) and I posed the point that I am trying to ask myself
"Is the MV worth twice the dosh of the FZ09?" and he said that I have no business asking that question! Smile
THAT is NOT a concern for someone that is attracted to an MV.
And since I am already a pretentious Italian bike snob that can't stand seeing anyone else in town riding what I ride Jason was right.

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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:29 am

the fz09 is a pig on stilts in comparison, a cheap feeling pig on stilts. the only thing kind of close to the 675 mv is the street triple r, but it feels hackish in comparison. The bike that is just about as much fun as the rivale is the 750 dorso....I have been very very fond of the rxv5.5 I just did the suspension for a fiend of mine and a top end on his and it is voodoo on wheels

I am still waiting on the turismo veloche
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PostSubject: Re: 20,000 mile service   20,000 mile service Icon_minitime1

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