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 Hepco and Becker Crash bars, anyone else have a set? Hardware?

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Join date : 2017-10-12

Hepco and Becker Crash bars, anyone else have a set? Hardware? Empty
PostSubject: Hepco and Becker Crash bars, anyone else have a set? Hardware?   Hepco and Becker Crash bars, anyone else have a set? Hardware? Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:12 pm

They came on my used GRiSO when I purchased it, but removed them because I didn't care for the looks. I noticed at a vendor that their photo of them looked to include some special hardware, but mine were installed with the stock bolts. Did your set include such hardware?
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Hepco and Becker Crash bars, anyone else have a set? Hardware?
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