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 Tipover/tilt/fall sensor

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

Posts : 279
Join date : 2014-04-23

Tipover/tilt/fall sensor Empty
PostSubject: Tipover/tilt/fall sensor   Tipover/tilt/fall sensor Icon_minitime1Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:00 am

Been looking for the above for a couple of hours so that I could check the unit, to make sure it was connected and or working correctly.
My bike has been on its side coupe of times (short legs and slippery surface) and the engine has not cutout as occurred on my older GRiSO's.
After having another look today I discovered this unit is not fitted to my 2014 model.
I found the white connector behind the right side horn unit with a cap on it, so the wire hasn't just fallen off the sensor, there is no sensor fitted.
Based on the type of connector and it's blanking cap, this I am almost certain is a factory fitment. (probably bean counters)
I know some people like to complain about them, can't understand why as they are a potential engine saviour if your bike is on its side and you are unable to switch the engine off. Engines running without oil pressure don't last long and this is the likely outcome if the bike has fallen over with the engine running.
Another cheap, dumb arse decision by some dimwit at the factory.

White connector behind horn
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Connector with cap fitted (horn removed)
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