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 Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013

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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 4:58 pm

Those with GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013.pdf handy...
Where does pipe #4 connect to???

edit, page added....
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Last edited by MotoJezek on Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:22 pm

Which pipe? Fuel pipe? Breather pipe? Drain pipe? Exhaust pipe?
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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:45 pm

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GRiSO Capo
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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:06 pm

That’s the stepper to airbox pipe.

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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:16 pm

I'm somewhat confused, because the parts book shows a breather line from the oil separator running back to the airbox....where #4 appears to be connected instead on mine.
I'm looking at this with the tank on, so my view may be obscured a bit as to what else is going on....
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GRiSO Capo
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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:07 pm

There’s three hoses connected to the airbox.

1. Idle Stepper Intake
2. Blow-by
3. Drain

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:35 pm

There are two drains I think. One at the back, one at the front. According to the airbox diagram the breather goes to the LH spigot on the upper front of the box but I could of sworn it goes to the right and the stepper to the left??
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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013   Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013 Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:57 am

Stepper looks like it's hooked up to the left on mine. I found that the blow-by pipe was -not- hooked up to the airbox...apparently for a while.  Surprisingly, very little oil coming out of it, but I could smell it.
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Pipe #4 in the parts pdf-page 40 GU088 - GRiSO V 8V 1200 2007-2013
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