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 Folding ends for rear brake and gear change

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Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Empty
PostSubject: Folding ends for rear brake and gear change   Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 29, 2021 5:20 pm

These turned up yesterday

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Todays task was to see if I could adapt them to fit the GRiSO. I ditched the plastic toe pieces and drilled out the aluminium ones from my existing ones and fitted them. From setting the new ends up I worked out where to drill out to 6 and 8 mm

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Both sides fitted without having to modify the GRiSO parts

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They should give much better protection to the GRiSO parts even from an accidental fall in the workshop

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Join date : 2019-06-05

Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Folding ends for rear brake and gear change   Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Icon_minitime1Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:26 am

Took the GRiSO out for ride with the folding ends yesterday both work fine
I mounted them at the back of the original levers to allow them to fully fold back

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lcjohnny and drburt like this post

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Age : 42

Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Folding ends for rear brake and gear change   Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:05 am

That looks ghetto Very Happy the peg is too forward
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PostSubject: Re: Folding ends for rear brake and gear change   Folding ends for rear brake and gear change Icon_minitime1

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Folding ends for rear brake and gear change
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