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 Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun

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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:57 am

Did an emergency stop yesterday - so wrong gear and clutch still out.

The drive train gave a loud metallic clatter as the road and engine speed fell.

As there does not seem to be a transmission shockabsorber on the 1200 i take it the circumferential springs in the clutch plate take all the loading?

Do they all clatter like that?
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PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:29 am

Could it possibly be from the pinion of the carc or are you certain it comes from the gearbox?
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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:34 am

My clutch clatters like a basket of springs around town in traffic and with clutch lever pulled in (either stopped or moving) day I plan to investigate - probably after it fails....
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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:41 am

Thanks both, it only makes this noise on the overrun when braking hard just before you pull the clutch in and stop.
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Pete Roper
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:55 am

To me it sounds as if you aren't pulling the clutch in early enough and the motor is trying to drive the bike against the brakes as the road speed drops below the point where the engine spins at idle. The power pulses through the drivetrain will load up not just the driveline itself but the reactive system as well. It'll make a horrible noise.

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Pete Roper
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:57 am

paulbrice wrote:
My clutch clatters like a basket of springs around town in traffic and with clutch lever pulled in (either stopped or moving) day I plan to investigate - probably after it fails....

Clutch should be pretty much silent, either engaged or disengaged.
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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:05 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
To me it sounds as if you aren't pulling the clutch in early enough and the motor is trying to drive the bike against the brakes as the road speed drops below the point where the engine spins at idle. The power pulses through the drivetrain will load up not just the driveline itself but the reactive system as well. It'll make a horrible noise.

I think you are right Pete

It was an emergency stop in that i did not want to decorate the side of a van or my trousers

So i was probably too late pulling the clutch
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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:19 am

So I read through this thread after having some issues of my own this weekend.  It all started when I forgot to put in my earplugs.  All those noises!

What I noticed was that the drive train was louder than I remembered during engine braking.  I was coming down the mountain in the rain, and as a result I was engine braking a good bit in 3rd or 4th.  

Then at a stop, I noticed a high pitched noise with the clutch lever pulled in.  I shot a little video of that here:

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I checked the box and CARC fluids and they are milky looking but properly filled.  I have Mobil1 LS in there and if I remember correctly that's what it looks like with some use.  Everything else was working as it should, although I'm past time to change the fluid in the hydro clutch.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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GRiSO Capo
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:19 am

That sounds like the clutch lift bearing paart no 976696 is not happy.
It is probably possible to replace that by removing the swing arm and command cylinder and pulling it out from behind.

Has anyone done this?
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Pete Roper
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:15 am

Yes, you can get to it from the back. I've never had to replace one. If the oil is milky it may have water in.

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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:58 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
paulbrice wrote:
My clutch clatters like a basket of springs around town in traffic and with clutch lever pulled in (either stopped or moving) day I plan to investigate - probably after it fails....

Clutch should be pretty much silent, either engaged or disengaged.

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My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:19 pm

TheMuffinMan wrote:

My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.

Probably not the clutch then. It'll be the gears knocking together during the acceleration and deceleration phases of the uneven firing sequence. When were your TB's last balanced? What speed does your engine idle at?
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:13 am

Pete Roper wrote:
TheMuffinMan wrote:

My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.

Probably not the clutch then. It'll be the gears knocking together during the acceleration and deceleration phases of the uneven firing sequence. When were your TB's last balanced? What speed does your engine idle at?

Last balanced 8 weeks ago and only a few hundred miles and I was very anal with the balance and valve lash. The GRiSO idles at 1100-1200 rpm, and seems to run pretty well, besides for the clatter in neutral. It doesn't sound bad but it's noticable, and I don't recall my 2009 8v having that neutral clatter, but that was 12 years ago now that I had that bike. I don't hear the clatter when the bike is in motion. I'll get the bike out and try and get a recording of it later today if I get a few house projects done first...
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:08 am

Pete Roper wrote:
TheMuffinMan wrote:

My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.

Probably not the clutch then. It'll be the gears knocking together during the acceleration and deceleration phases of the uneven firing sequence. When were your TB's last balanced? What speed does your engine idle at?

Here's a vid of the noise. The louder ticking/knocking is when the clutch lever is out, in neutral. I don't hear it when the bike is warming up from cold.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:29 am

Pete Roper wrote:
TheMuffinMan wrote:

My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.

Probably not the clutch then. It'll be the gears knocking together during the acceleration and deceleration phases of the uneven firing sequence.....

Agreed - and mine sounds a bit like that even after service and synch.

Does it annoy your neighbours?
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Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun   Transmission noise 2: clatter on the overun Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:02 pm

lcjohnny wrote:
Pete Roper wrote:
TheMuffinMan wrote:

My clutch clatters badly when in neutral with the clutch lever untouched, but it goes away as soon as I pull the clutch lever though.

Probably not the clutch then. It'll be the gears knocking together during the acceleration and deceleration phases of the uneven firing sequence.....

Agreed - and mine sounds a bit like that even after service and synch.

Does it annoy your neighbours?

Only when I come home from work at 2330. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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